chapter 55 | Snow fall

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"Isn't that my hoodie you're wearing right now?" he startles her, and as soon as they make eye contact, she gasps, drops her phone on the table, and runs towards him, and Choco suddenly wakes up to do the same.

She throws her arms around him, and he giggles at her joy, her undeniable delight. "You didn't expect to see me so soon, hm?" he hugs her back, and she does not let go at all. "I didn't. I'm so happy."

He holds her tight and presses a kiss on her head. "I'm not leaving any time soon, so be ready to see me almost every day now," he already talks about the good news, and she darts her eyes up to his. "What? What does that mean?"

"I quit," he does not beat around the bush or give suspense at all. "I can't do this anymore. I hate what this made me go through, so I quit. I'll only start computer engineering in one year to have time to be ready, so I'm staying close."

She glances at me and makes me realize that I have been smiling this whole time. "Is that real? Did you know about this?"

"You know he wouldn't lie to you about this, and yes, I knew," I do not lie about it since I was aware of this, and she hides her face in his chest. "Why didn't you tell me about this?! I was sad for nothing."

"We wanted to surprise you," he tells her but gazes down at her. "Hey," he moves one hand up to her face. "Are you crying? You better not, alright? Don't make me weak so early."

"I missed you and was so worried for you..." she sobs and makes sure he cannot see her, and my heart melts. "I missed you too," he shows some gentleness for her, caring a lot and admitting that he loves her as much as she loves him. "Now I'm gonna annoy you every damn day," he does not forget to joke so that it is not too serious, and she wipes her tears away. "I'm fine with it."

He smiles at her, and both of them break the hug, so he squats down and pampers Choco, who is excited about seeing him, with love.

I am so happy about this, I might not be showing much of my emotions, but I do feel so relieved to see him here and know that he is going to be healthier and happy.

"Are you sure it's what you wanted though? It's not because of me, right?" she makes sure he thought about it thoroughly, and he straightens up to take his coat off. "It's what I wanted. Don't worry about it. I've been thinking about it for a while."

"Okay," she shows peace of mind, expressing a lot of bliss. This makes me feel so good to see her like that. "Have you left your stuff in the car?" I ask him, noticing he has not brought anything, and he takes his shoes off. "Yeah, I'll take everything out later."

"I'm taking care of it, just sit down and stay with her," I move forth to put my shoes on and give him some free time. "I can do it, it's fine."

"It's fine for me too," I smile and open the door to not change my mind, and I head to his Mercedes.


12:30 pm.

The three of us enjoying lunch together, I peek up at Joonha who is sharing his food with Choco and giving him some pieces of sausages. "How is Christmas gonna go, by the way? We haven't talked about it yet," he asks this important question. "I don't know, it depends on you. Would you want mom to be here or we do it separately, and you go to her house the day after Christmas Eve?" I let him decide, but he shrugs. "I don't know either. I wouldn't want to be away from you on that day, so I think it'd be better to celebrate it with mom, either at her house or here. It doesn't matter."

"What about you, y/n?" I do not rule her out since her opinion is important to us too. "Whatever you decide to do, I'm happy with it, so I'm okay with both options."

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