Chapter 49 - Cut Off

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Riggers had just finished hooking me up to the wires for the upcoming stunt when I started to feel uneasy

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Riggers had just finished hooking me up to the wires for the upcoming stunt when I started to feel uneasy. Something was bothering Shannon. Concern turned to alarm, then frustration and anger. When I tried sending a query to her, she seemed to be using all of her focus. Instinct told me it might be dangerous to distract her.

As the stunt coordinator finished his instructions, I tried to pay attention. But before we got started, fear crept through the bond. No pain, but definitely fear. It was getting stronger, sharper, and more overwhelming. Shannon's fear was saturating my senses, flooding my system with adrenaline.

Deciding it was worth the risk, I sent my mind through the bond, desperate to reach her and see what was happening.

"LOK—" she shouted. 

Agony speared through my body like a supernova, as our bond was severed and my mind snapped back.

"No!" I screamed, grabbing my head and collapsing to my knees.

"Tod? Tod! What's wrong?" asked the stunt coordinator.

Barely able to breathe through the agony ripping through me, I forced myself to my feet. Blindly, I clutched at the wires, trying to undo them as I stumbled.

"Get these off. I've got to go. Go. I've got to go," I said, unable to make sense of anything around me.

Hands helped unhook me, and as soon as I was free, I teleported away to my flat.


The swirl of the bifrost deposited me on the golden platform.

"Where is she?" I forced out through the pain short-circuiting my nervous system. Blasts of lightning continued to shoot from my spine to my limbs, and I could barely stand.

"I'm sorry, Prince Loki. She was with Mist and Kara. The Wild Hunt attacked them. The bifrost was blocked by whatever portal the Unseelie were using. Without a lock, I couldn't pull them here before she was gone from my sight. Although I can't see her, I can take you to where Mist and Kara are," Heimdall said.

Even unable to look at him properly through pain-ridden eyes, the frustration and anger in Heimdall's deep voice was clear.

"Yes. Now. Tell Thor." I bit out as the lights swirled around me again.

Blinking, I found myself in the midst of a thunderstorm. Rain poured in blinding sheets. Lightning flashed, illuminating the disaster in front of me. A vehicle with a crumpled left side and missing door was tilted into a ditch, off the far side of a road. Mist lay sprawled unconscious on the ground, a pool of blood surrounding her face, despite the rain's attempt to wash it away. She seemed to be bleeding from a nasty head wound. Kara was crawling towards her on her hands, and one knee, dragging a leg with a one thigh mangled and missing flesh. There was no sign of Suzie or Shannon.

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