Chapter 5 - Ditched

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"Shannon?" I called into the restroom

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"Shannon?" I called into the restroom. Five minutes had become ten as I paced up and down the hall. By fifteen minutes, I was getting worried.

No response.

"I'm coming in!"

Tapping the first stall open, it was unoccupied. I moved to the next and gave it a light push. No one there. Slamming open the rest in rapid succession, every stall was empty.

Totally empty.

No sign of her.

Seeing the other entrance, my heart clenched. No! Oh Norns, please no! Running to reach it, I flung it open and burst into the hall.


I teleported to each end of the long, dimly lit hall, stretching between the various theatre entrances.


No sign of her anywhere.

Thor came out of one of the theatres as I was striding back and forth across the carpeted floor, yanking at my hair like it would halt the movie reel flow of nightmare scenarios electrifying my thoughts. Another god hiding in plain sight amongst mortals, his usual long red hair gone in favour of short light brown, he was almost a foot shorter at just a few inches over six feet and less brawny in his Midgardian clothes of a black suit and tie.

Seeing my expression, he clapped me on the back. "What's the matter, Brother?"

"I've lost Shannon. She went into the bathroom and never came out. I don't know if she was taken, or ran, or what!" My control slipped on my seidhr, letting a nimbus of black magical energy surge around me.

"Whoa, calm down Loki," he whispered, after checking the hall to be sure no mortals were around. "You know I'll help you. What happened? She seemed to deal with the red carpet well enough when you introduced her around, although I noticed you didn't linger this time. The two of you looked pretty happy, curled up together in the back of the theatre earlier."

"We were, or are... were, I thought!" Struggling to keep my emotions in check, I took several deep breaths. "I lost control of my seidhr. She saw me change, saw the real me. She seemed okay with it."

"How did you lose control of your seidhr? You haven't lost control since you were a kid!" Thor's blue eyes widened.

Unable to keep still with the need to find her, I bounced on my toes. "We left the lounge to fuck each other's brains out, okay? She'd been driving me crazy, and I couldn't wait any longer. Neither could she! We were both absolutely insane for each other, like nothing I've ever felt before. In the midst of it, I couldn't hold my Tod image and shifted back to myself." My gut twisted. It seemed disrespectful to talk about her that way to my brother, but I was at my wit's end. I didn't know what to do.

Thor raised an eyebrow. "Um, Loki. You lost control during sex with her? No seidhr, just your truest self?"

His words rang alarm bells from the distant past, lessons learned as a child so long ago. Loss of seidhr and being your truest self were part of the Asgardian binding ceremony if you found your soulmate. Only your soulmate could cause that to happen involuntarily after the age of maturation when an Asgardian gained control over their powers. It was so rare, I couldn't remember anyone other than Odin and Frigga, who were soulmate bound.

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