Chapter 33 - Milk & Pickles

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"Wake up, love

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"Wake up, love. Do you want to come to the set with me, or head back to Asgard?"

With a grumble, I half-opened my eyes to look at the blue ones a few inches from my face. Loki planted kisses on my forehead, cheeks, nose, and then mouth.

"Why are you so awake?"

Loki laughed. "Come on, sleepyhead. I've already gone for a run, and I'm about to jump in the shower. Within the next hour, I have to leave."

"I'm going back to sleep. You go ahead." Bad-tempered, I tugged the blanket up over my head, and he pulled it down again.

"Nope, no way. I'm not leaving my pregnant wife here in a Midgardian city she isn't familiar with, without security."

Yesterday's anger surged anew, and I glared narrow-eyed at him. "One, there is no ring on this finger. You haven't married me yet, buster. Frankly, you haven't even asked me yet, so stop assuming! Two, I can take care of myself. Isn't that why I've been training with Mist for the last four weeks?"

Taking my face in his hands, he kissed me breathless, despite my annoyance. He really was far too good at that. Damn, but it was hard to stay angry when I was aroused, with my brain scattered. It took me a minute to pay attention to what he was saying.

"Darling, you are my soulmate and consort. Of course, you are my wife. As soon as Sam says it won't cause a scandal, I will put a ring on that finger in the Midgardian tradition. Paparazzi are a necessary evil I'd like to keep away from you as much as possible."

"Ask first, Loki. Maybe I don't want to marry you," I snarled, pushing at his unmoving form. The assumption on his part pissed me off. There was no way I'd be taken for granted. While I didn't feel the need to rush, the implication that his career was more important than whether it mattered to me pissed me off.

Loki laughed and kissed my scowl, tugging gently on my lower lip. "Rest assured, love. When the time comes, I will ask properly. Now, I know you've made tremendous progress with Mist, and if it was just you, I'd be more willing to contain my worry. I know you can take care of yourself against mortals. But it's not just you, darling. You are carrying our child. If unfriendly immortals were to come across you without me... I can't bear the thought. Please, Shannon, don't ask me to do that." His tone had lost its playful lilt. Instead, he was starkly serious.

Fear percolated through our bond, making my pulse race and a chill skitter down my back. My resistance melted a little. "Fine, I suppose I could go back to Asgard and spend the day training with Mist. When is the red carpet premiere for Ben's movie?"

"Thank you, darling." He kissed me, relief in his tone. "It's at the end of next week in London, so mid-morning tomorrow, Asgardian time."

"How do you keep track, moving between realms?" I asked, as he tugged me out of bed and led me to the shower. It made my head hurt to try to figure out the conversion. Math first thing after waking was a cruel and unusual punishment.

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