Chapter 43 - Career Considerations

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At tea with Frigga, we brainstormed my career ideas

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At tea with Frigga, we brainstormed my career ideas. As I'd suspected, she was far more willing to discuss my concerns than Loki had been. That he'd refused to even listen infuriated me, whereas talking with Frigga made me feel understood and appreciated. After I'd spent the first part of our visit venting about her bone-headed son, she'd known just what to say to calm me down. No doubt because she'd had hundreds of years of dealing with domineering, overprotective males. With a solid plan of action, I got changed and met up with Kara and Mist to leave for Earth.

Stopping by the suite of rooms Loki and I shared, I picked up my cell phone and checked its messages. How Loki made it work didn't matter, just that it did. As Earth technology advanced, he'd found ways of taking advantage of it. Now, keeping my phone and computer charged was a simple matter of willing some of my personal energy into the battery. A skill Loki had taught me in a few minutes.

Emails in my inbox were from the last of my graduate students who hadn't yet defended their degrees. I'd had four, two masters and two doctoral students, when I'd gone on sabbatical leave last summer. The two masters students had defended during the fall while I'd been with Isis and I'd asked a colleague to take over primary supervision of my two doctoral students. Although I remained on their committees, touching base with them once every month or two, I wasn't willing to devote as much time as they needed with all the changes in my life. With a quick message, I let them know I'd be on campus today to meet with them.

Hesitating for a few minutes while I debated with myself, I sent a message to Lynda, inviting her over to my place for pizza after I was done at the university. Maybe she'd be appeased meeting Mist and Kara, even if she hadn't yet met Loki. Plus, it would give me a social buffer when she realized I hadn't told her about my pregnancy.

I winced. How was I going to explain that when just under two weeks ago on Earth, I'd appeared in photos with Loki on Thor's red carpet with no pregnancy in sight? The complications had my headache worsening, and I rubbed at my temples.

After checking today's weather in Vancouver, I shifted my fighting leathers into sandals, jeans, an emerald green, scoop-necked tank top long enough to cover my pregnant belly down to my hips, and a short black leather jacket. The only part of my armour I kept out were the wrist cuffs, allowing the rest to retreat into my torc. I tied my long hair back into a high ponytail and set out to meet Mist and Kara.

They were waiting near the palace entrance closest to the rainbow bridge. Admittedly, I was curious to see what they'd chosen for earthly attire. Mist was in a blue, short-sleeved t-shirt, jean shorts, and sandals, her distinctive blue hair also tied up in a ponytail. Kara had her red curls piled up on the top of her head, a white flowing blouse, dark green capris, and sandals. Both fit into the current fashions perfectly. No one would ever guess they were immortal Valkyrie.

"So where do your armour and weapons hide? There's no way you'd leave Asgard without them," I asked.

Mist tapped her silver belt decorated with Asgardian scrollwork that must be spells, from what Loki had been teaching me. It was beautiful, but didn't look out of place woven through the loops of her jean shorts.

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