Chapter 46 - Finding Balance

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"Have fun, darling

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"Have fun, darling. Will you miss me?" Loki asked, a hint of vulnerability in his eyes as he held me. One of his hands caressed the curve of my pregnancy. 

"No, I'm going to be having too much fun with the girls to miss your hot, sexy ass," I teased, keeping my tone light. "I guess I'll have to ask one of them to keep me warm at night."

Loki's eyes flared with heat, then narrowed. "If it's female hands you want on your body, you know you have only to ask."

I burst out laughing at his clear jealousy. Tugging his hair to tilt his head down for a lingering kiss, I reassured him. "The only one I want is you, my love. Male or female. My preference is this incredibly sexy male body you are currently sporting, but if you want to experiment with me some time, I'm open to that. I love you. Yes, of course I'll miss you. I won't close off our bond, so you'll feel me here." As I let my feelings flow through to him, I put my hand on his chest while looking up into his eyes.

Loki's expression cleared, and he smiled, cupping my cheek with long fingers, his thumb stroking. "Sorry, I know that. But I've just never had so much to lose before. My love. My soulmate. My son. At times, it scares and overwhelms me. I love you, Shannon. In this wide universe, there isn't anything more important to me than you."

His love was a warmth in my chest, wrapping around my heart, and our lips met in a slow, thorough exploration full of tenderness.

"Are you two lovebirds done, yet? We're going to be late," Kara asked, poking her head out the door of the flat to the foyer where Loki and I stood. Mist stuck her head out as well.

Loki nodded to each of them. "Thank you for going with her."

"Yeah, you don't have to thank us, Loki. We would go with Shannon to watch her back, even if she wasn't our princess. She's one of us now," Mist said.

Kara nodded in agreement.

"Still, I appreciate it," Loki said. "And yes, I'm heading out now," Loki added with an eye roll.

A laugh burst out of me at his expression.

With one more lingering kiss to scatter my senses, he stepped into the elevator and left for Pinewood Studios.

Walking down the stairs, and then out onto the street, Kara, Mist, and I flagged down a cab. After a brief ride, we were standing in front of Ben and Suzie's London home. Ben answered the door, ushering us inside. "She's just saying goodbye to the kids. How was your flight out?"

"Good. No delays. An easy trip," I said, avoiding any details. Even understanding the necessity, I still wasn't entirely comfortable lying. It wasn't something I managed quickly or spontaneously with any real skill. "How have you been?"

"Great! Enjoying the time off with the kids and Suzie. It's been a busy few years."

"I'll say! Sorry to keep you waiting!" Suzie said, as she came into sight, descending the central staircase to the foyer.

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