Chapter 22 - Pampered

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When I woke, my body hummed with energy

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When I woke, my body hummed with energy. It had been the best sleep I'd had in months. Reaching over for Loki, it took me a minute to realize he wasn't in there. I tossed back the covers we'd pulled over us at some point, to sit at the edge of the bed.


A second later, he appeared beside me.

"I was getting concerned. You slept for fourteen hours!" He handed me a cup of tea and a banana chocolate chip muffin. "I tried to wake you earlier. You're grumpy when you don't get your sleep." He laughed and then kissed me.

I took a sip. It was my favourite, and he'd even added lemon. Such thoughtfulness had a warm glow heating me as much as the tea was.

"Yeah, well... it was a long day between Thor discovering me in Egypt, going to Asgard and meeting your mom, then finding you at my brother's place." 

I knew I needed to tell him about the baby, but I hadn't mentally dealt with it myself yet. We hadn't discussed this whole royalty situation, either. Or the bound for eternity thing. Or... 

The flutter in my stomach had me cutting off my thoughts. I couldn't keep thinking about all the changes. My heart raced, and not in a good way. It chased away the happy glow. With determination, I forced myself to stop my mental spiral. Instead, I focused on taking measured breaths to get myself under control.

"You were in Egypt?"

"Yes. Isis found me on a Greek island. She taught me how to use my powers, how to defend myself."

"Bloody hell, Shannon! Isis hates me! She could have killed you!" Loki looked appalled.

"She was fantastic to me until Thor showed up and blabbed I was your soulmate!" I growled.

He scrubbed his hands over his face.

"She has reason to hate me," he muttered.

"Yeah, Thor said something about Osiris. You killed her husband?"

"I did. It was stupid. The idiotic arrogant jealousy of a boy barely in his teens. Osiris was also known as Baldur. He was our half-brother from Odin's first marriage before he and Frigga were soul-bound. My oldest brother. I looked up to him, but in my anger after finding out I was adopted, I was stupidly jealous of the attention he got. I didn't actually kill him myself, but I set up the situation that resulted in his death. It was definitely my fault."

"Damn. Well, I guess I won't be visiting Isis again." I couldn't help the disappointment in my voice. She'd been good to me before she found out. My first friend in this new world of gods and immortals. If I was going to build a life as a goddess, I needed friends I could talk to who would understand the challenges. While my best friend Lynda and I had stayed in contact over the last months, our relationship was suffering. She knew me well enough to know I wasn't telling her everything going on with me. Constantly lying to my mortal friends was wearing on me, and I found myself avoiding calling. It was easier to hide behind emails and texts.

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