Chapter 8 - The Bet

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"What's wrong?" Kristen asked

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"What's wrong?" Kristen asked. She followed my gaze, leaning around the table to see the cat. "Oh, what a gorgeous cat!" Getting up, she started over to him.

"Stay away from him," I said in a tense, low voice, before I even knew the words were going to come out of my mouth. The flash of anger surprised me, but I didn't want anyone else touching him. He's mine, damn it.

In confusion, she paused, her hand outstretched to the cat. She shook her head. "What's the matter with you?"

Hurrying to cover my unexpected comment, "He bites," I warned her. "He bit Mike earlier." I narrowed my eyes at the cat. Warm pleasure flowed through me at the thought of how he'd defended me. I couldn't deny the shiver of arousal, either.

Damn. He certainly knows how to push my buttons.

Conflict bubbled inside me. I shouldn't feel this emotionally attached. It was too fast. I wasn't comfortable with it. I didn't want it.

It's just a fling.

Yet, it was there. Undeniable. Like a force of nature. It left me confused.

"Cat has good taste then. Mike is an ass." She pulled her hand back. "Speaking of assholes, any word from your ex?"

I sat back down in my seat and ate the last few bites on my plate, eyes flicking to the cat. "Nope. He hasn't tried anything since I told him I'd get a restraining order if he didn't stop coming by my house last year."

She gave a growl of disgust. "You are well rid of him. What about the other asshole? How's your Department Head been treating you?"

"The usual bullshit, but despite him, my promotion came through." I grinned.

"Holy crap! That's awesome! Congratulations. It must really burn his ass that you are the youngest Full Professor in the faculty and he's still only Associate rank." She raised her water glass, clinking it with mine.

I drank to the toast and chuckled. "Yeah, the Dean pushed it through, despite Bill's objections."

"We totally have to celebrate with the guys later. Tell me more about your guy, though," she teased.

The cat tilted its head, looking from Kristen to me. Was he waiting to see what I'd say about him? "I suspect you will get to meet him." The absurdity of my situation hit me as I shook my head.

"I would hope so, but give me the dirt now." She wiggled her eyebrows, grinning.

Shaking my head at her, I smiled as humour replaced my internal confusion. "You are incorrigible."

"Of course. What are friends for, right?"

Watching the cat out of the corner of my eye, I described Loki. "He currently lives here in London, although I'm sure that's not where he's originally from." Mentally, I snorted a laugh to myself at the absurdly simple statement. "He's taller than me, a sharp dresser, and can be quite gentlemanly when he wants to be."

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