Episode 63

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My Omniversal Hero

Episode 63:Shit Goes Sideways


"No.. No.. Nonononono.."(Ben)

The four boys stood in front of a run down store. The white haired boy carrying Danny on his back as the ghost boy slowly healed. Well slowly being the correct term for a ghost, in human standards he healed abnormally quick. More importantly in front of them was a run down store with some of it's letters missing it read


Ben felt his heart sink as he stared at it.. T-This couldn't be could it? He could see burn marks on the wall through the shattered windows as if a laser was fired multiple times.


Ben shook his head taking a deep breath and turning to Izuku forcefully pulling up his wrist and slamming down on the omnitrix dial

"Show us what happened here.."(Ben)

Izuku stood there shocked as he rubbed his arm- Well not his, he has become Clockwork

"Cloc- A Chronosapien can show us what happened here- I used it to find out about some kind of dinosaur egg-"(Ben)


"It doesn't matter! Jus- Just please-"(Ben)

The desperation in his voice was evident as he spoke feeling the hot pinpricks of tears in his eyes. If Grandpa Max was really- No, he wouldn't think like that, they spoke less than 2 hours ago. He couldn't be- His mind couldn't even supply the word. 

"He has to be alive.."(Ben)

Izuku nodded taking a deep breath

"How do I-?"(Izuku)

"Focus on rewinding, but not actually. Like you want to project the past into a holographic form- But you need to focus hard"(Ben)


Ben wished they could train before pulling out the moves but he hopes the Data Dump the Omnitrix provides would be good enough for now- Even if it's only base instincts on how to use powers.. Green holographs appeared in the room as it slowly rewinded


It felt.. it felt so wrong to watch his watch be used- HIS POWER- His very self being used by someone else- It felt worse than just seeing another person use an Omnitrix because he knew- He knew it was his. He felt weak despite the intense horrific strength that Izuku's quirk had provided him- He would trade it in for any of his forms- Even Walkatrout or Molestache- He's has the watch for so many years it feels natural.. He feels naked and afraid of the world.. He can't rely on his aliens or the Omnitrix anymore..

"Jesus this kid is sad-"(???)

"Who said that?"(Ben)

He turned his head around and saw a green hologram pointing something at someone- he realized it was a Forever Knight pointing a laser lance at.. Alan.. Alan Albright as another knight stood by as if for backup


"Any last words?"(Knight1)

"Just two.."(Alan)

"They are-?"(Knight2)

"Flame on-"(Alan)

Suddenly the boy burst into bright flames his body being enveloped as he instantly changed the trigger clicking filled the air but- The tip of the gun has melted shut causing the laser inside it to build up the gun exploding as the knight threw it out the window for it to explode safely- The rocky body of Alan stood up and suddenly spun covered in flames as he seemed to disappear from the smoke screen that filled the room the flames however seemed to hit Izuku- she stumbled backwards in shock of the fake flames losing concentration and reverting to himself

"Oh thank god-"(Ben)

He caught a glance of the other knight firing the lance wildly as if he tried to shoot through the smoke leaving marks on the wall.

"Right.. Well, to the bathroom then-"(Ben)

"Ben.. Are you.. alright?"(Danny)

Danny noticed the signs. He had a similar reaction when he took away his own powers.. Ben did something he thinks is right but feels wrong.. Each real hero has to make tough calls some times- they knew this better than most

"Just peachy- Where's your trio?"(Ben)

"Randy's taking care of Norrisville and Jake's trying to keep New York under control-"(Danny)

The ghost boy stumbled getting off the white-haired boy's back extoplasm dripping from his chest mixed with blood. 

"Right- Well what about the others? We need as much help as possible-"(Ben)

"Gwen and Kevin are off planet if you were asking about them-"(Danny)

"What!? But we need them-!"(Ben)

"They're.. busy right now-"(Danny)

"With what?"(Ben)

"Well.. Maybe it's best I show you?"(Danny)

And so 4 teenage boys walked into a cramped bathroom of a run down broken business  with an old fashioned toilet.

To Be Continued

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