Episode 26

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My Omniversal Hero

Episode 26:Arcade's and Quirklessness


I pulled out my phone and texted Aizawa

'Hey Dadzawa! Me, Shinsou, Midoriya, and Todoroki are going to the mall with Eri'(Ben)

'Let me sleep.'(Aizawa)

'Im going to assume that means its fine!'(Ben)

'Its my day off just dont do anything dumb'(Aizawa)







'No hablas!'(Ben)


I smiled and turned to Eri

"Alright Eri we're good to go!"(Ben)


"Hey so- which mall are we going to?"(Midoriya)

"I didn't think that far ahead, which one has a lot of stuff?"(Ben)

"... Open google maps-"(Midoriya)

"Got it!"(Ben)

"Did you find one?"(Midoriya)

"Yep! Alright I'll be right back just let me get my car-"(Ben)

"You have a car-!?"(Midoriya)

"Well yeah- Do you expect me to use XLR8 24/7?"

"I mean yeah you have a provisional licence now so-"(Midoriya)

"I mean yeah but I like to drive"(Ben)

"...Alright fair enough"(Midoriya)

"Can we just go?"(Shinsou)

"Yeah just give me a second"(Ben)

I ran around the corner and grinned to myself as I turned into XLR8 and sped off to a storage unit I kept my car in- What? I live in UA and they don't offer free parking for students. I turned human and took out my key, opening it and seeing the black and green paint job I grinned again as I unlocked the door only to realize it was out of a battery charge-turns out using a used car battery I got off EBay is not an everlasting powersource. I turned into Shocksquatch and put my hands on the battery taking a deep breath before connecting some jumper cables to the battery and the things on my head before letting the electrical current flow through me to charge it.

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