Episode 3

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My Omniversal Hero
Episode 3: A Right to Remain Heroic

Hello! Welcome back Humans/Aliens! In our last chapter our hero had stopped a crime but was taken into custody for being a vigilante after being friggen drop kicked by Mt Lady and refusing to fight back! Let's get right into the story and let me know if you have any suggestions or questions in the comment section down bellow!

Arriving at the police station the teen vigilante was announcing his presence, assuming there was another him in this demension already a hero he was trying to get them to listen to reason

"Hello- I'm Ben Tennyson! I'm a hero why am I being arrested?!"

"Sir with all due respect you were acting as a vigilante, do you or do you not have a hero license to use your quirk?"

"..whats a hero license?"

The brown haired teens question seemed to shock most of the people who heard him. Ben seemed entirely confused as he sighed, he had a feeling something like this might've happened.. Every universe is different- well technically there are some universes that are the exact same but back on topic!

"Uhh a quirk is like a personality trait, like what teenage girls are like on social media like an 'omigod im so quirky'? Because if so, I almost definitely have issues-"

"Sir.. a quirk is a power.. you have a transformation type quirk right? You just used it.. and a hero license is what you need to be a pro hero.."

That confused him more why the heck would there have to be professional heroes? Just let them do the right thing without arresting them for not having a license

"So how would I go about gaining a hero license?"

"Sir are you playing dumb? A hero school like UA."

"UA? I've heard of that-! Anyways, I cant be arrested for this right? I mean- I'm only 16-"

The police officer let out a groan and then sighed. He pulled out a walkie talkie thing- thats what Ben thought it was anyways. Soon another person walked into the room, a light green haired woman (think the person from UnOrdinary- don't worry though- no corrupt government arc- unless you guys want me to)

"Hello there, my name is Nadia, I'll be here to see if your telling the truth"

Ok so.. thats her quirk thing? Ben didn't 100% understand how and why Humanity gained quirks but he wouldnt judge, after all he turns into aliens so he isn't one to talk. Considering the watch never patched him into the plumbers, this is a universe without them.. so that means no aliens arrived on earth? Eh he'll figure it out sooner or later

"Alrighty, My name is Benjamin Kirby Tennyson, I was born in Bellwood which is in America, also I'm a pretty sure I have no family anywhere in this place"

The woman seemed to be shocked, how could this kid not have any family and to be so far away from home.. If he was really born in america he traveled so far. Well maybe he was born there and moved here but- She turned to the officer

"He isnt lying"

Hey everyone! Author here- so I don't PLAN on bringing in any UnOrdinary characters unless you guys ask me to in the comments! Let me know what you guys would want to happen! Anyways I'll be going now!

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