Episode 43

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My Omniversal Hero

Episode 43:Festival

"No... No no no! How could this happen!? Is Eri okay!? What about Shinsou? What about Midoriya!? How many bones did he break?! Did anyone die!?"(Aizawa)

"We.. were overwhelmed.. Nobody lost their lives, I evacuated Japan.. But UA and some other buildings were caught in the crossfire of the attack.. We managed to win.. Also apparently Izuku gained a new quirk? He told me something about whips, either he got kinky which I doubt, or something triggered it to force its appearance, maybe it was a manifestation of his strength just.. Condensed? I dunno, I'm just spitballing ideas."(Ben)


"And he was flying"(Ben)



"Float. That's one of them.. I have to speak to Nezu about this.. Where is he?"(Aizawa)

"...Promise me you won't get mad at me?"(Ben)

"What did you do."(Aizawa)

"I kind of.. Put Nezu, All Might, and the other teachers into.. Well my world-"(Ben)

"Ben. You do realize you now need to explain to them that alternate universes exist now. I am not doubting your judgement. They killed All For One, they would probably do the same to All Might. But you could have just sent them somewhere far away not in another universe."(Aizawa)

"They have a teleporter."(Ben)

"Alright. Fair enough.."(Aizawa)

"I should probably get them right?"(Ben)

"Yes. Yes you should."(Aizawa)

"Right. Uhh, can you like.. Look away? I want to keep this Alien to myself."(Ben)


If anyone understood wanting to keep a trick up their sleeve it's Aizawa. A flash of green light went off and now stood a tall being with the images on his body shifting. It showed stars and galaxies moving around. The only things shown on his body aside from the vastness of space were two bright green eyes and the omnitrix symbol on its chest. It simply raised its hand and the pros fell out... on top of each other. He then reverted to his Human form.


"There- Okay hi everyone! UA is destroyed and so is some of Japan! Also there are infinite Universe's!"(Ben)

"..I wish I could say that's the weirdest thing I've ever heard. Can you repeat that?"(Toshinori)

"There are infinite universes, also UA was destroyed by villains but I could rebuild it if you give me like.. A week?"(Ben)

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