Episode 51

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My Omniversal Hero

Episode 51:All for Me

The Midoriya Household

"DAD! You home? I was kidnapped by villains again!"(W.H Izuku)

"Izuku? What do you mea- When the heck did you dye your hair?!"(Hisashi)

"Dy- Wha? I stopped dying my hair! We had this conversation last year didn't we?"(W.H Izuku)

"..Wait aren't you supposed to be at I Island?"(Hisashi)

"What? No! I wish, it'd be so cool to meet David Shield!"(W.H Izuku)

"...What the heck is happening?"(Hisashi)

"..Isn't your name Hisashi Shigaraki?"(W.H Izuku)

"Hisashi Midoriya."(Hisashi)

"Well shit.. Okay let's just check some stuff, your quirk is All for One-"(W.H Izuku)

"Fire breathing..."(Hisashi)

"Oh damn"(W.H Izuku)

"I think you're at the wrong house kiddo. You do look a lot like my son though.."(Hisashi)

"Is this some kind of.. Alternate Reality stuff? I mean I always thought it was real but I thought that other me was just batshit crazy.."(W.H Izuku)

"I am very confused.. Also Language!"(Hisashi)

"You definitely aren't the same dad I have.."(W.H Izuku)

"Sorry.. Do you want to stay for a bit or something? I can call my Izuku and see if he knows anything? Besides I think Inko would enjoy the company of any Izuku Midoriya!"(Hisashi)

"...My last name is Shigaraki"(W.H Izuku)

"Oh my bad!"(Hisashi)

"Could you just- call the me that's in this world?(W.H Izuku)

"Right! I'll do that now"(Hisashi)


Ladies, Gentlemen, and anyone in between. The heroes of our story. One bright red (almost looking like a tomato) while staring the opposite direction of someone. This someone is a young woman of slightly above average height with quite a round face. She has wavy blonde hair which reaches halfway down her back, two shorter pieces she leaves over her shoulders, side-swept bangs that frames her face, aqua-blue eyes with notable upper eyelashes, some slightly longer ones extending on each side and pronounced lower eyelashes. Melissa Shield. As for our main hero, he is grinning while speaking to a girl of medium height, standing at 5'2. Another notable feature, pink skin. Her face is framed by short fluffy and unruly pink hair which is slightly darker than her skin. She also has two thin pale yellow horns protruding from her head, hooked squarely and leaning diagonally to opposite sides, which seem to be slightly flexible, able to bend a bit to each side which is Mina Ashido.

"So here you go! I think it's already good to go but it's hard to tell, if the thing starts messing up just call me and I can probably fix it as Jury Rigg or Grey-Matter!"(Ben)

"Bu- Huh? How does it even work? You haven't told me what it does"(Mina)

"Universal Translator!"(Ben)

"Awesome! So it just like already works?"(Mina)

"It should! If it can translate for a turtle alien it can probably translate for human languages-"(Ben)

"Did you just say turtle alien?"(Mina)


"You definitely did! You've met aliens! You have to tell me everything! What were they like? What did they say?"(Mina)

"I'd rather not- Hey did I ever tell you about the time I almost died in the empty void of space?"(Ben)

Our hero, shamelessly trying to change the subject everyone.


"Yeah, I was like 15 and got an al- transformation that could fly and breath in space but then I reverted me when I was almost in space and started falling to the earth- Good thing I had Cannonbolt but it still hurt like hell"(Ben)

"Are you okay?"(Mina)

"Mentally or Physically?"(Ben)

"Well honestly eit-"(Mina)

"Haha! Nope!"(Ben)

"Mood- Worrying but mood"(Mina)

"Hey so completely changing subjects, is Midoriya okay? He looks like he's gonna blow a blood vessel from blushing or something!"(Ben)

"Yeah! Ooh I ship it!"(Mina)

"...Is that Uraraka?"(Ben)

Ben is pretty sure he saw literal stars in Mina's eyes..

"A love triangle!"(Mina)

"Uhh- this isn't a show or fanfiction, this is real life- maybe you shouldn't be shippi- Oh god that's terrifying!"(Ben)

Ochako made the jealous face. You know exactly which one I'm talking about. Scaring Ben somehow even more then that time he was stuck with To'kustar pheromones on him in the Null Void for a week as a sick prank from Kevin.. He shivered slightly at the memory backing up slightly before realizing where he was again.

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