Episode... ???

108 10 8

My Omniversal Hero


A dark alleyway set the scene as a man with white hair and red eyes smiled down at a man with similar features to himself. The other man had Green eyes and white hair. He stared at the other man tears forming in his eyes

"T-They attacked me- They tried to kill me- Just because im quirkless"(Green Eyes)

He spat out the word quirkless so self loathingly it seemed he thought of it as a slur

"I may be able to fix your issue.. Give you something to help"(Red eyes)

"..W-What are you saying?"(Green Eyes)

"You become a 'super' hero"(Red Eyes)

"Me- bu-"(Green Eyes)

"Now listen to me, my confused little friend.. I used to have my fair share of doubts and fears and.. Heh well they quite literally were almost the death of me. But no! I took charge, pushed myself to the very limit. You have to be strong- Be tough! I believe it was.. Him that said 'Go Plus Ultra'? Haha!"(Red Eyes)

"..Don't talk about him!"(Green Eyes)

"Listen.. Son. You gotta kick things up a notch. Don't be the victim.. Maybe you developed a quirk? Maybe we could have the doctor come over a-?"(Red Eyes)

"NO! No amount of checkups can change the fact I'm worthless!"(Green Eyes)

"...Don't lie to my face like that."(Red Eyes)

"...I'm sorry"(Green Eyes)

"Y-You know.. You remind me so much of your uncle. You have his the same eyes- not literally of course.. You just.. You have the same caring compassionate stare you give to everyone except yourself. He.. He was quirkless as well.. Yet he still.. How would you kids put it nowadays? 'Ruled'? Either way. He was amazing.."(Red Eyes)

"..Thank you dad"(Green Eyes)

That provoked a smile to the face of the red eyed man

"So.. Should we head down to the store and pick up some more hair dye? You've been running out recently!"(Red Eyes)

"...No. I think I'm good"(Green Eyes)

"You want to try a different color?"(Red Eyes)

"..I'm good with white"(Green Eyes)

"..Keep up with that and you'll make your old man cry!"(Red Eyes)

"Sorry dad"(Green Eyes)

"It's alright. I have to get to work soon.. When I get home I have a surprise for you!"(Red Eyes)

"Oh come on! You can't just say that! You'll really make me wait all day for that?!"(Green Eyes)

My Omniversal HeroDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora