Episode 14

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My Omniversal Hero

Episode 14:A Blood Stained Chapter



Me and Hawks were flying. I was carrying Tokoyami as Astrodactyl, I used the energy whip to carry him while using the sky skimmers built in jetpack to fly behind Hawks Doing a few loops to mess around with Tokoyami! As we landed to get some food at.. Popeyes..

"Hawks you need to st- SCRAAW- op.."(Astrodactyl)

"You really can't control that, can you?"(Hawks)


"Hey Tokoyami you in the mood for some chicken or something else?"(Hawks)

".. I would prefer something other than chicken- You've had us get chicken every day of our internships.."(Tokoyami"

"Fine! What would you two want?!"(Hawks)


"You want to eat a train?"(Hawks)

"I have a few forms that can do that actually-"(Astrodactyl)

"Oh damn-"(Hawks)

"You were saying Subway the sandwich place correct?"(Tokoyami)

"Exactly! -Happy Scraaw- Thank you!"(Astrodactyl)

"Alright fine- My little chickens!"(Hawks)

"Weird nickname-"(Astrodactyl)


"You didn't like it?"(Hawks)

"Not really.."(Tokoyami)

"It's not gonna stick"(Astrodactyl)

"Wanna bet?"(Hawks)

"I'd rather not"(Tokoyami & Astrodactyl)

"Oh god they became in sinc.."(Hawks)

"Can I return to being me yet?"(Astrodactyl)

"Can't risk you losing your secret identity!"(Hawks)

"My hero costume is a jacket with a 10 on it and my hero name is Ben 10! A secret Identity doesn't matter all that much to me- you just want me as a bir -SCRAW-"(Astrodactyl)

"Alright FINE- There's a subway right there lets land then you transform back!"(Hawks)

"Thank you"(Astrodactyl)

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