Episode 5

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My Omniversal Hero

Episode 5: A Class-y Hero School

Welcome back dear readers this is the first part of this fanfic to be completely written on wattpad! Well technically I'm using google docs for the spell check but still you  can only find this here now, the other 4 first parts are on amino and will not be deleted! Anyways into the fanfic!

Our hero Ben Tennyson had arrived in class, he smiled as he looked around the room, he saw one guy with a tail, Ben has a tail sometimes aswe- wait how is he using the seat correctly? It looks like the tail is just poking out, and it's not that small.. Eh this world is basically magic anyways, better not question it, he continued to search the class with his eyes, bird guy, cool, is that a mask or his real face? Ben has a few bird-like transformations, someone with what seemed to be 6 arms, cool! The sight slightly reminded Ben about how Ultimate Spider-Monkey had about that many limbs, then he saw a floating uniform, ah invisibility, but it didn't seem that girl was able to turn it off like Chamalien can..

Moving along.. That red haired guy who told him about UA! Nice to see him here,someone with pink skin, Gwen has pink skin sometimes- kind of- wait- OH COME ON!? EVEN THIS UNIVERSE HATES HIM?! He saw that blond guy who called Ben an extra after shoving him. Ben sighed, the guy just radiated this aura of ‘Hey! I like to beat up children and piss people off!’ Ben just doesn't like the guy.. He then spoke, the blond guy was insulting the blue haired dude with glasses 

“Hey blondie, this is a hero school, Stop insulting people, and you, speedy boy, calm down, he just has his feet on his desk, if it was someone else’s desk I could understand, but calm down.”

After his words of wisdom Ben was flipped off by blond guy and before ben could transform into an alien to kick this guys ass 8 ways to sunday- yes he knows its 7 not 8- the blue haired dude started to apologize to blondie and then to Ben, that's when Ben learned his name

“I apologize to you, my name is Tenya Iida.”

“Ben, Ben Tennyson, just call me Ben, makes me feel less homesick hearing my first name!”

Ben said as he smiled before he walked to a desk near the front of the room to mess around with his watch which seemed to draw attention, eh who cares, as long as he does not activate the randomizer or the self destruct its fine. Ben sighed when he heard the watch 

“Randomizer function active”

“Damn it.. No, not again!” 

He smacked the watch against his desk which didn't seem to help the issue at hand, he needs to fix this stupid issue when he gets ho.. Home.. he cant get home- Wait! No-No! He will not cry his first day here- that's so lame- He could work with the randomizer function, more of a challenge for the day, not like he’ll be using the watch all that much, orientation. 

“Uhh what's a Randomizer Function mean?”

He looked up to see who asked the question. It was a guy with weird looking elbows.. The guy has black hair weird elbows, he introduces himself to ben before he stated the question again

“Okay- so Sero was it? I’m Ben Tennyson, and to answer your question.. It means I messed up and now i can control what I turn into for the time being-  but i'm great at improvising- plus I don't really need to use my quirk today, my quirk lets me transform using my watch here but the watch is really glitchy at times, like wrong transformations or the randomizer function- which like- why does it even need that- i'll fix it when i get back to my apartment- what's your quirk?”

He couldn't call it home, his home was back in Bellwood in his own universe, with his friends and family.. Ben sighed as he then smacked the watch against the table again


“I'm sorry what?

“My quirk is tape, i make tape from my elbows-”

“Oh cool- sorry i thought you were asking me if i had tape-’

“Nah man but if you ever need tape just come to me alright?”


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