Episode 33

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My Omniversal Hero

Episode 33:Letting Loose

"This is actually rather therapeutic!"(Atomix)

The nuclear reactor spoke as he summoned a miniature ball of plasma

"I haven't been able to let loose on this universe's villains. I've had to hold back for a while, good to finally be able to beat the shit out of you all again"(Swampfire)

The hero had his head cut off to which he regrew it and forced vines to shoot out of the ground, one went through The Forever King's arm to prevent him from swinging a sword for a long while.

"You stabbed me!?"(Forever Knight)

"Don't be a baby"(Diamond-Head)

The crystal-like life form spoke as a giant crystal barricade formed which blocked some attacks. The hero forced to barricade to rise out of the ground and launched it at Eon

"You really shouldn't have showed your ugly faces, yeah I'm calling you out Zs'Skayr!"(Diamond-Head)

The hero transformed into a Pyronite and just started spinning forming a flame tornado and launching it at Viktor

"Damn, I really am hot!"(Heatblast)

The hero let out a laugh as a grin formed on the rocky face of the flaming alien

"Welp! Might as well enjoy this while I can!"(XLR8)

The alien charged toward Viktor and at the last possible second transformed into The Worst and was launched into a wall turning into Crashhopper to launch himself back at Viktor, he turned into Humungousaur with an outstretched fist hitting him in the chest launching him backwards and then Ben transformed into Kickin' Hawk doing a flip kicking Eon in the head and transforming back into Heatblast to slow his fall back to the ground

"Alright, how many of you dipshits are left? I'm starting to have fun!"(Goop)

The hero transformed into Goop to he could let an attack go through him without issue. The hero used the Anti-Gravity projector to launch himself through the air towards Lord Transyl

"Ooh boy I'll need some medical attention after this!"(Ben)


"Didn't you help me kill Transyl the first time? Why are you working together again? You go to couples therapy or something?"(Ben)

"Because I value my life and free will!"(Viktor)

"Welp, in the words of my dear friend Danny.."(Echo Echo)

The small alien then screamed at the top of its.. Well it doesn't have lungs- It's a silicon based life-form made of pure sound.. Point is it screamed louder than I did at 3 AM when I stubbed my toe and tripped over my dog yesterday.

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