Episode 68

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My Omniversal Hero

Episode 68: The End(Part 2)

Keigo- Well he supposed he wasn't exactly Keigo anymore. Hawks, he mentally corrected himself. Took a deep breath. Today was the day.. He had two choices..




A single red feather falls to the ground. A man looked up when he noticed the feather on the ground

"Ah Hawks! What can I do for yo-"(Best Jeanist)

The feather on the floor shot up like a rocket, going straight through the man's chest, blood splattering on the floor. Hawks remained silent as he did what he was told.. after all that's all he really does! Right? Hawks, the Safety Commision's pretty little lap dog. He scowled to himself.. Or at himself?




"Holy shit you actually did it."(Dabi)

"Orders are orders. Dab Man."(Hawks)

"Well done, you've proven yourself. Keigo."(Tomura)

He tried not to scowl at the use of his- old name.. The one taken from him. He regreted telling them it.

"I think you've proven yourself more than enough for you to be in on the next mission."(Tomura)

"And what is that?"(Hawks)

"We're taking down the Commision."(???)

"..Who the hell are you?"(Hawks)

"While I could, lie to your face. I value honesty above most things, you may call me Cronus, I won't tell you my real name, I know you wouldn't want me saying yours."(Cronus)





"What did you find out about their plan?"(????)

To lie or not to lie.. That is the question

"...Nothing sir, they didn't tell me."(Hawks)

"Useless. You killed one of our top heroes for nothing!"(????)

"Under your orders."(Hawks)

"Are you questioning me?"(????)

Well since he was in the mood of lying...

"...No sir. No I'm not."(Hawks)



"What the.."(Ben)

But he couldn't question things for long because of the portal that opened up next to them and out fell..


A loud howling sound was heard as the beast snarled at them.



"Activate universal translator?"(Omnitrix)







"He's healing!"(Ben)

The ghost wolf thing seemed to relax

"Amicum bene?"(???)

(Friend well?)

"He's.. He's doing better I guess."(Ben)



"Who are you?!"(Ben)



"...Your name is Wulf, and your a wolf?"(Ben)

"Periculum, opus auxilium!"(Wulf)

(Danger, need help!)

"With what?"(Ben)

"Mundus finis."(Wulf)

(Word end.)

"Damn.. Uh- Which one?"(Ben)



"...Lead the way then."(Ben)

"..What the hell was that?"(Izuku)

"World ending threat, nothing new."(Ben)

To Be Continued in the final Part.

My Omniversal HeroOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz