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(This chapter is on Dele's P.O.V. I hope you love it).


Why the fuck is it taking so long to find me a fucking location?!!”  I yelled at Habeeb, slamming him into a nearby wall, my hand squeezing the life out of him. I didn't stop choking him, I could only picture that mother fucking Luke's face. I'd kill that bastard if my hands get on him. He had better not done anything to Priscilla cause if he do, I'd make him feed on his own flesh and bath in his blood.

“C'mon man just stop” Raphael pulls my hand away from Habeeb neck, he drop to the floor coughing erratically while rubbing his neck. Pushing Raphael off me, I turn to face Habeeb, leveling my eyes with his, my jawline tightened. “You'll keep tracking her device until you locate her and I won't hear no bullshit about some fucking bad signal, Am. I. Clear?” I gritted each part out, my eyes shooting dagger at him.

Trying to maintain his stance, he nods in affirmation “Yes boss”

“Then get the fuck out of my face!” I yelled, he bow a little and walk out just as Kira came in. This past weeks as been hectic, I couldn't even catch any sleep and I never can until I find her. I need her by my side. She's my wife to be. I fucking need her. “You need to calm down man”

My head snap to Raphael, I stare at him like an animal ready to devour it prey. “Don't fucking tell me to calm down, okay?! A child is growing inside of her, my child! She's alone with a psychopath and you want me to fucking calm down?!” I yelled, slamming my hand to a nearby wall.

“Don't forget, she's not the only one in danger. Maria is pregnant too, my child, okay? You don't see me tearing a building down cause we need to think instead of acting drastically. Any wrong move can cost us our woman” He rest a hand on my shoulder with a sigh. “I'm also fucking mad man! I want to kill that bastard. We need to act fast, I know. But we also need to think man” I can feel myself calming a little at his word. He's right, he's handling his pain way  better than I am. I really need to act fast, I shouldn't let the anger building in me cost me my girl. I need to be smart and fast so I can protect her.

“Boss” Kira greets, staring at my bleeding hands.

“Any news?” I asked, she stares back at me with a nod.

“Not much news boss, I have gathered all special train bodyguards from our agent. We're ready to move when you say so–”

“–And the good news is?” I cut her off harshly. I don't care about her stories, I just need to know we had leads on Priscilla, she's my priority.

“A woman is outside and claims to have the information we need–”

“Then why aren't you letting her the fuck in?” I yelled.

“Because we didn't think you'd want to meet with her” I scoff in anger. Is she fucking with me? Someone has a information about my girl and they didn't think I'd want to speak with her?

“Why the fuck would you think that?! I need information and if this person has one, I so want to talk to her” I snap, running a hand in my hair with a frustrated sigh.

“Because we learnt she's your ex-wife, Stephanie” Kira explained.

Stephanie? What the fuck could she be doing here? And how the hell does she has information on Priscilla.....Oh, except she has something to do with all this. “Let her in” I dismissed Kira and turn to look at Raphael, he looks just as suspicious as me.

“Sure you want to meet that woman?” He asks, I nod. “I don't have much of a choice, do I? ” I move to sit on the couch, waiting on Stephanie.

“Well then I'm sure going to remain here  too” Raphael sat on the other couch opposite mine just as the door flung open.

Stephanie strolls into the room, we were all still at Priscilla and Maria's apartment. She look shaky, scared but most importantly she looks like hell. The bags in her eyes were so heavy, it's obvious she hasn't had a good sleep in months, days or maybe years. She's the least of my problem anyways.

“Dele Coker. Just as cute as always” She smiles, but her eyes didn't light up. If I haven't known Stephanie too well I'd say she want to begin to act bitchy but, it's obvious she's only trying to act strong, she's trying to hide her hurt. “Well I can't say the same for you” I gave her one of my sly grin, pretending to look her closely.

“I'd say I miss you” She move to sit on the couch not far from Raphael, not sparing him a glance even though he was shooting dagger at her. “But we all know it's bullshit”

I scoffed, sitting upright, “Tell me everything you know” I held gaze with her, it's obvious she's scared from how continuous she keeps blinking her eyes.

She looks from me to Raphael, clearing her throat awkwardly. “I know where Priscilla is held. She's safe for now–”

“Wha–” I wanted to cut in and ask her what the fuck she meant by for now but Raph stopped me with a shake of head. Stephanie looks between us and continue. “Your guess is right, but you just missing one thing. The one who implanted all these. Surprisingly, Luke is the accomplice not the master planner”

I sat upright at that.

If Luke is the accomplice, and the woman working with him isn't Stephanie then who was it? I stare at Stephanie suspiciously, “How can we trust anything you spill out cause last time I checked, you hate Priscilla”

She nods in affirmation, “You're right, I hate her but it's not enough to want her dead. My sister believes she stole everything from me, with my job not going well like we had planned and you... The divorce. She couldn't believe we had use our marriage for just a show and now she believe Priscilla stole everything from me and want her to disappear. The shit is crazy cause I already found someone I love and we'd be leaving Africa soon. I just couldn't ignore everything going on. I have decide to come clean and take you to where Priscilla and Maria are kept and we need to do that ASAP or you could lose her forever. Luke already knows she's pregnant with your baby and in some sick way, he loves her and could try to hurt your baby”

I stood up immediately! They shouldn't be any delay. I'd never forgive myself if anything happens to her and our baby. I heard Raphael asking about Maria but sigh in relief when she told him he isn't after Maria and won't hurt her atleast not badly.

That bastard needs to be dead alongside anyone that tries to hinder my ways.

I need to save my girl.

A/N : Good morning and happy Sunday to y'all 🤠

Here's another chapter,please do vote and comment. Your comment makes my day.

Love you all, thanks 😊❣️

I STILL LOVE HIM☑️ #NOWC22 (OUT ON KINDLE/AMAZON)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora