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I stood there for a moment still confuse as to what happened. Am really very bad at reading people but it'd be stupid not to know Raphael was flirting with me. He throw smiles around, then would smirk and what is it with him holding my cheeks? What the hell! How would I work around him and not feeling like smacking him? I mean he's cute and all but what if he's a perv?

Maria: Oh my god! He's the plan. Just go along with the flirting that way, Dele would think you don't care about him anymore. Make Raphael your boyfriend 😋

What the fuck?! My boyfriend? Is she being serious right now? Just because I told her about my little exchange with Raphael, I have expected her to say 'what a perv' or 'stay away from the dude he's a creep' I wasn't expecting her to tell me this shit.

Me: Are you crazy?! He's a pervert! I can't ever even date such kinda guy

After few minutes of clicking the send button, Maria message popped in.

Maria: jeez.. how did I have a clueless girl as a best friend? Raphael is the big plan here. You said he's cute, right? You don't have to do the flirting, he's already flirting with you. All you have to do is throw few smile back, try to blush at his words and flirt back. Trust me, Dele would wanna die that moment.

I read her text for like the tenth time, contemplating if I should do this or not. They're both pros and cons to this; The pro which is, Dele could end up being jealous and comes to me. And for the con, what if Raphael tries to touches me while flirting?.

Me: What if he tries to touch me? You know I'm a very bad flirt

After few minutes.

Maria:Just do it however you can and when he touches you, just pull out his dick and suck it. For more effects baby 😉

Me: So helpful.

I sarcastically reply, putting my phone back in my bag. The flirting back shouldn't be very hard but why am I so hot inside and nervous?Oh common babe, you can do this.

I walk toward Dele's Office door and knock softly on it. “Come in baby” At first I thought it's was Dele, confuse but still happy he calls me 'baby' but listening closely, I knew it's was Raphael.  Yeah the dude. I walk into the office, Dele was laughing to what Raphael must have said, the look so close like long pals. I stare at Dele for a moment, he looks so sexy when laughing. It's been a long time since I heard those laughter. My heart warmth at the sound of his laughter. “Hi love” Raphael laughs, walking up to me and peeking my cheeks.

For the fiftieth time what the hell?.

Flirt Back” Maria annoying voice warned in my head. I feigned laughter, slapping him playfully on the chest. “Heyyyy” I draw out as if we were long pals too. Raphael seem happy and threw me another smirk of his. His hand wrap around my waist as he pull me with him toward Dele desk. Dele eyes was fixed on his arm that was rested around my waist, I couldn't read his reaction because he's so good at covering it up.

“Dele, this is Priscilla Brown. I never knew you breeded gorgeous woman here I'd have come quicker than normal” he slowly squeeze my waist, I gaps, feeling like slapping his hand off but instead, I smiled again. “You wanna introduce me to my own secretary?” Dele voice sounds angry but he looks like he's trying hard to cover it. Wow! Maria was right, this is affecting him. I smirked at that.

“Your secretary?” Raphael sounds mesmerized. “I'd sign your proposal only if you'd go out with me” Raphael smirked, looking me in the eyes. Go out with him? I couldn't say no, not when the proposal is in the line. Raphael is an attractive man, even if I don't like him that way, going out with him didn't seem bad. “Hell no! What the fuck man?! Don't act like you're doing us a favour. Whether your signature is on the proposal or not, the production would still scale through. Do not put my assistant under any obligation” Dele warned, standing up from his chair and pulling me away from Raphael.

“She can talk for herself man. It's none of your damn business” I looked stunned at both of them. How can they go from laughing to wanting to rip each other's head off? “Don't fucking talk to me that way! And don't forget, I'm doing you a favor here too” Dele glare at him, his eyes darken from rage.

Raphael's hazel eyes also darken, matching with Dele's glare. Act like you don't care about him anymore. Another of Maria's word rang through my head. So I pull away my hand from Dele grip. He looked away from Raphael and stare at his hands that was once holding mine and looking back at me. He looks pained, angry but I look away from him. “I don't mind going out with you” I smirk, staring at Raphael who smiled at me.

“Like hell would I let you” Dele barked furiously. “And who says your opinion count? Cause last time I checked, you're my boss not my father” Damn! Damn!! I really just said that. Why does being mean feel interesting?. “Priscy”Dele whispers, “What wrong with you?” he snapped.

I feign a snort, “Just because I didn't listen to you makes something wrong with me?” I turned my voice back to being professional “With all due respect sir, I can't go out with whoever I want” Dele looked lost for words, just burning stares through me.

“B-but you love me not him” Raphael quirk a brow at that, staring between us in Interest. How could Dele bring this up at this moment? Is he serious right now?!

“I once loved you but that one sided love is over now. And please, not everything is about you” I made sure my eyes remains emotionless before looking away from him. I walk over to Raphael “When are we meeting up?”

He smiled, “I'd give you my number, you'd text me your address and I'd pick you up. But 8 on dot, I'd be at your door” he winked, and I blushed. Collecting his number and sending him my address ASAP. All these while, Dele was still staring at space, completely out of it.

Did I fuck up? I wondered.

Did I fuck up? I wondered

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I STILL LOVE HIM☑️ #NOWC22 (OUT ON KINDLE/AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now