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“Oh my god! That's a big portion!” I exclaimed, giggling.

“C'mon, open up” Dele doesn't seem to mind as he keeps feeding me very large portion of egg. I opened my mouth and swallow the food down, it's feel so nice doing this things again. But the big confusing question is, Does all this mean anything?

Does it matters? Does he feels the same way I do?

Just sitting in his kitchen stool, eating together in same plate and feeding each other, it's was like we were back to the past, only that in the past, we were a thing , but I don't know what to call this anymore. I don't know if this means something.

I suddenly lose appetite for food. I can't sit here and keep pretending those years never happened. That night  never happened. I just can't pretend cause everytime am around Dele,he's just like an epitome of what happened years ago. He reminds me of our mistakes, our past. We both screwed things up that night, we both messed up. But we can't keep avoiding it, we would always need to talk about it so as to know where we stand with each other. I made a promise to my best friend and I'm ready to abide to it.

I'm ready to fight against my one sided feelings for Dele, but sitting here, eating from same plate, laughing, it's all a reminisce of the past. It's hurt to pretend everything doesn't hurt. My heart ache and breaks.

I can't do this anymore.

I need to go” I stand up in a rush, ignoring Dele heavy footsteps after me. I need to get the hell out of here. I can't do this, I can't keep pretending I don't feel anything and act normal. He seems to get his act together but I am not like him. Am not Dele. He said he doesn't feel anything but why does he keeps complicating things? Why does he keeps acting like everything is suddenly cool between us?

He strictly warned professional working hours between us, remember?

“Priscillia” Dele calls for me but I totally ignored, heading into the room I came out of. I need to find my clothes and get the hell out of here. “C'mon baby, what's wrong?”

“Don't call me that! You don't get to call me that” I snapped. How dare he calls me baby? Last time I checked, I was strictly is personal assistant. “And please where are my clothes? I need to leave now” I crossed my arm around my chest, still not meeting his eyes. I'm afraid if I look at him I'd cry. “Can you just tell me what's going on? One minutes we're good then the next... What's wrong?” He looks totally confuse, staring at me for answers.

“We're not good okay?! Pardon me if I can't pretend everything is fine because nothing is”

“What are you even insinuating?” He sighed.

“You never talked about that night, the first time I came in search for a job, you pretend not to know me and now, you suddenly remember our cozy times? I don't just get you!” It's just so frustrating going back and forth with him. I can't pretend I'm okay because none of this is. “Is this what this is about? That night?Cause if it is there's nothing to talk about” His eyes suddenly went cold.

How's there nothing to talk about when anything I make reference to that night, he suddenly becomes so distant and cold? There's way too much to talk about than he's admitting. “Do you know what your problem is? Do you wanna know cause I'd gladly tell you” I turn to face him clearly, right now, I'm ready to let out all my thoughts and mind and I'm not backing down. I don't care if he ends up getting hurt or not. Am tired of being the one fighting for this.

“You're so full of yourself that you think you're the only one life is treating harshly. Everything about life, this whole world is fucked up. Just because your mother left you doesn't mean everyone else isn't gonna stay –”

“–Don't you fucking talk about that bitch!” he yelled. If I wasn't so determined to let my word out, I'd be cowered in fright. “And don't you fucking yell at me” I slapped him twice. “You'd fucking listen to me while I talk” I demanded In anger, to my outmost surprise, Dele complied.

“Your mother leaving doesn't stop your life from moving on. You should be glad she only left you not the world. This life is too short to be holding back pent up pains and anger. You're a man, stop acting like a pussy! You aren't a toddler that still needs to be nurtured and nursed by a mother. She made her choice, she left but did you care to think maybe leaving, brings her peace? Why if she left for a reason? Instead, you drown yourself in the pit of self pity! Treating everyone around you like gabbage, especially me. You didn't believe me when I said I love you but I truly do, and I'm not saying this so we can get back together, I'm saying it because I don't want you to stop yourself from getting love or opening up your heart” I stare at Dele, he wasn't so cold anymore, I stare at a hurt and broken man.

His eyes was filled with unshed tears as he stares at me like he could break anytime. It's hurt to see him this but, I need to finish letting out my mind. “That night, I made the surprise for you. If I didn't truly love you, I wouldn't have bother. Luke kissed me. I don't care if you saw it or not but I did slapped him. He took advantage of my vulnerable state. I just want you to know I did nothing wrong and it's fine if you'd still hate me because of that night, I'd totally g–”

My words was cut short when Dele slammed his lips to mine. I was beyond shock, I didn't react immediately. He pull away, staring at me, “Don't you ever think I hate you, I can never hate you. And that night should remain in the past cause all that matters right now, is that you're in my arms and....” he sighed, running a hand through his hair.

“I love you, okay? I love you so damn much that it's drives me insane. When you came through the door and said you were here for an interview, my heart stopped for a moment, I thought I'd die seeing the woman I've love all this years right before me and not being able to pull her in for a hug. I don't want to make that same mistake again, I want to be good for you and I'm so sorry for being so mean and hard on you. I was just so stupid and jealous and I'm.... I just want to be better for you. If you'd just give me a chance to prove myself, I'd be the best man you could ever ask for. I just–”

“–Please shut up and kiss me” I cut in, pulling him by the shirt. I stare into his eyes, before closing the space between us.

The kiss was tender, soft, full of love. It's was full of life. I belong right here in his arms, I love this sexy arrogant man before me, and I belong to him. This right now, means the whole world to me and I really don't want to have any negative thoughts.

So, I kissed him without regrets.


Oh finally! 🥰❤️‍🔥✨

They've reconciled but how long do you think this is gonna last?

Will the ex finally be excluded or would it still remain that way?

Erm erm, I'm so eager to introduce "Stephanie Coker" Dele's ex wife into the picture. *Smile evily*

I STILL LOVE HIM☑️ #NOWC22 (OUT ON KINDLE/AMAZON)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum