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This past weeks has been an hell of a roller coaster for me. From Luke's attack and ending up in an hospital, to Dele's sudden freaked out and almost yelling my ear off and then not setting a wedding date yet especially not with Luke still out there somewhere.

And if you think I've had enough, you're just a joker.

After the incident, Dele had set up bodyguard for me no matter how I declined wanting any watchdog. Kira and Habeeb are good people but, you don't feel at ease when you know you've gat someone always at your trail every fucking step you take. I know they're just around to protect me and all, but it just makes me feel like a prisoner.

I couldn't go wherever I want, whenever I want. They're just always on my case and it's overwhelming.

This overprotecting shit isn't my thing. I'm a grown African woman that can handle herself. If Stephanie isn't such a pussy, she would be facing me woman to woman and not hiding in the dark. Am sure her damn crazy ass can't even beat me if we get set up on a boxing ring.

Trust me, I'm not trying to play John Cena or undertaker, Am just tired of having to watch my back always. Having to be conscious, on my toes, scared to go out all alone...... It's just so exhausting. And I'm just so tired of living my life in complete fear. I feel like I'm not in control of my life anymore.

Everything would be all over if the cops could just get anything on Luke and his ally. Apparently, his slate his clean, no criminal record, not even anything as little as highschool bad boy, nothing. They couldn't find anything to arrest him for, nothing at all. And whenever I think about it, I only have to deal with the aftermath, that is, a massive migraine. And when I try not to think about it..... Let's just say my daily activities and not to add, my new so sweet bodyguards are just a reminder that I have some psycho on my case.

“I get you baby but he's just trying to protect you”  Maria sip from her juice as we sat in an open space in the Restaurant. We decided to eat out today after all, my pay is awesome so why not?. But the real reason was, Maria also won't get off my back. After the incident, everybody is just suddenly treating me like a toddler. “Do you get it though? Y'all are acting so weird around here. I had just one incident and everyone is acting like I died and resurrected. And now, I have a fucking bodyguards which I clearly don't need but does my opinion counts now though?” I breathe out all my frustrations in one word before taking a deep breath.

I pick up my glass of juice and sip from it but making sure I made a very loud gulping. “It isn't something we should take lightly though. I mean I really love Dele's idea of hiring bodyguards. They'd keep you save and in one piece. Luke is a psychopath. You clearly only just had little bit of how crazy he can be. Trust me,noone is taking chances especially not me” She drank her juice in one goal, dropping her glass down In a loud thud. “Now Let's order” Maria claps excitedly.

I knew this was Maria way of saying end of discussion and trust me, I really wanted to drop it until I notice something in her statement. “And you said nothing is changing?! Everything is!” I exclaimed in full blown frustration and anger.

“Now what are you talking about?” Maria rolls her eyes lazily, looking very ready to drop this conversation but I wasn't going to. Atleast not yet. “Naturally you'd say ' Let's order something strong ' Or ' let's get our asses wasted ' but now, you want to order for food" I pointed out.

“They're sometimes I also need food. I don't feed on alcohol”

“But that's what you'd say ” I pressed on.

“Can you just stop exaggerating?” She roll her eyes. “Maybe I'd stop if you stop acting differently around me.

“Noone is, Okay?” I stare at her with a look that says ' you definitely are '. Maria stares at me for a few seconds then sighs deeply, “We're just trying to look out for you” She says.

“And now, you sound just like my mama” I deadpan with a straight face. “In thought of your mama, have you try calling her back after that night she called?” Maria asks, I knew she's changing the topic but for now, I didn't mind. “ I don't know what to say. And you know my mom, she won't let me off the hook that easily”  I sighed tiredly. You must be wondering why a twenty five year old lady like myself is so scared of her mom but trust me, African mothers are crazy and you don't wanna cross them. Ever!!.

Especially not my mom.

Hello Ladies, Would you like to place your order now?” The waiter we keep telling we weren't ready to place order came, looking like he wasn't gonna leave without our order and we were gonna do it anyways so why not. “I'd have Fried rice and salad with two chicken wings” I stare at Maria in bewilderment.

“What?! You said I could order whatever I wanted and that's it” She shrugged with a roll eyes before shooting the waiter a cool soft smile. “And you, miss? He politely asks, while I stare through the menu even though I already knew what I'd order eventually.

“Jollof rice and chicken please”

The waiter shoot a professional smile and left our table.

“So as I was saying, call your mom” Maria says each word with smashing hands as emphasis.

She's right, I really need to call and talk to her cause the more delays, the more fuel I'd be adding to the fire. I mean it's just a phone call and I'm all grown now and she'd want to respect that right?

I doubt that but I'd just go with it.

“Okay, I'd call and talk to her when we get back home” Maria and I decided to live together permanently, So we live together now. A very bad idea for sure but I had no choice not when she threaten to shave off my hair if I don't and I love my hair even though it's little.

The waiter came shortly after with our order and even with an extra bottle of coke we didn't order. “That's on me” He says, winking before leaving. Maria and I exchange puzzles look before bursting into laughter.

Our laughter subdued and we dig into our food. After just eating and not saying anything, Maria finally spoke, “I won't be going home with you tonight” She says casually, opening her bottle of coke.

“Humm...Do I want to know why?” I quirk a brow, at the same time shooting a dangerously sly smirk. Maria noticed and roll her eyes, “Yes, I'm going over to Raphael' and before you ask, it's just a friend meeting with another friend”

“Only that the other friend happens to be a guy she won't admit she's head over heels for” I teased, her cheeks lit up but she quickly tried to hide her blush. “Nobody is head over heels for nobody. Stop exaggerating” She rolls her eyes as we both finished our food and was ready to leave.

We head outside the small restaurant, Maria head toward her car as I head towards mine just as Kira jumped in and open the door for me. So damn annoying bodyguards. “ I said it countless time Kira I can open the door perfectly fine on my own" I said politely but still not entertaining the idea of being treated like a child.

Not letting go of the door, she opposed. “Ma'am, Boss said you got injured and to do everything you ask of us. Sorry ma but we aren't taking chances”  But that was few weeks ago!

Habeeb was sitting behind the wheels,not at all bothered. Just couple of weeks I've gotten to know them, I knew they don't take no for an answer. “Okay fine!” I gritted out, entering into my car.

Kira move to sit at the passenger seat and Habeeb begin to drive, leaving me to my thoughts.

And the first thought I had, was to do what I've been trying to do for the last couple of weeks but to no avail. Try talking Dele out of the whole bodyguards shit!

I've had enough.

I STILL LOVE HIM☑️ #NOWC22 (OUT ON KINDLE/AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now