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I feel like I had just been ran over by a very huge truck.

My head was killing me, even my stomach was a grumbling mess. Getting drunk feels refreshing but the hangover that comes after it... It's makes one feels like death.

I groan, gripping my head. It's felt like it'd just fall out of my neck. My vision finally cleared, adjusting to the room. The wall was painted white, the room looks very spacious and richly decorated. Did Raphael brought me to his house? I can't even remember what happened last night but I did have a very funny dream. I pull the white blanket off me, my eyes caught a glimpse of something on the table. I stare at it, a glass of water with a small cardboard beside it.

Boldly written on it was the word "Drink me". And then drugs in a fancy small glass plate. “Swallow me" was also written on it. I stare at the substance with a small smile, picking it up to swallow it. I sigh in refreshment, standing up from the bed. I was walking toward the door when it's push open automatically. Wow!. I got out of it, staring around the massive house In awe. I knew Raphael was rich, I just didn't know how rich he was. But seeing this right now, it's just so..... I'm short on words.

I keep walking in the light up hallway. The light brim, shedding a very beautiful path in the hallway. This feels like paradise. I heard a clattering sound from a distance, trailing after the sound, I let out a very high pitched scream from who I saw.

Dele jump in fright at my outburst, turning to stare at me while clunging his chest. “You scare me” He finally let out a relieve sigh when he saw it's was just me.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I yelled at him, completely confused as to why he is here. I get he's Raphael's friend but did he followed us over to Raph's house?. “Making breakfast” He shrugged, putting a frying pan on the gas cooker.

“Of course I'm totally blind and can't see that!” I sarcastically reply, rolling my eyes. That was when my eyes trail down my body. I was in a white short and white shirt, clearly naked underneath it. Oh my god! Did I had sex with him last night? Where is even Raphael?. “I asked you a question, Why the fuck are you here?”

Dele smirked, “You don't remember last night” The way he said it sent a cold chill down my spine. “L-last night? What about last night?” I asked, fearing for the worst.

“You were totally drunk. Pleading for me to take you to my house. Even when we got here, I didn't want it to happen but...” he trails off. My eyes widen in realization and pure horror. We were in his house and we had sex? Oh my god! I'm so stupid! I'm never gonna drink again. “You took advantage of me last night. You know I was drunk, you could have just drop me at my apartment!” I snapped, still covered in shame. I shouldn't even blame him, I was the stupid one.

Dele shrug, “I don't know where you live and moreover, I couldn't let a pretty thing like yourself slip away from me” he winked, I picked up another frying pan laying on the table. Dele seem to notice my movement, quickly turning off the gas and running from me. “Get back here you asshole!” I yelled, running after him.

We ran round the house for few minutes, I suddenly feel very tired. I stopped to catch my breath only for Dele to taunt me again, “You were a moaning mess last night. Gosh, I wish I could have you beneath me again”

I bit my lip in anger, “You fucking bastard! I'm so going to kill you!” I yelled, Dele suddenly burst into laughter. “You should have seen your face. Damn! I'd make a good actor rather a businessman” he pointed out in a fists of laughter.

A good actor? Does that mean.... We didn't have sex! Oh my god, we didn't have sex last night! I sighed in relief but still want to kill Dele for pulling such prank on me. “Does that mean... Last night never happened? I asked for clarification.

“Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not a perv that takes advantage of drunk women”

I roll my eyes from how proud he said it. Even if I want to have sex with Dele, it's should be when sobered up not when I was clearly out of it. It'd like to remember every moment of it.

Why I'm I thinking of sex right now?!

“I had my maid change your outfit. The one from last night was drenched in the rain” he explains, I sigh in relief. “Thank you”

Dele nodded, heading back into the kitchen, I followed behind him. He turn on the gas again, putting the frying pan on it. Bringing out six eggs, a can of sardine and a big size of bread. “I'd make us something to eat, it'd help with the hangover” He crashes the eggs in a bowl, mixing it together and adding a pinch of salt and Maggi.

Right from time, I always knew Dele was a very good cook and would make a good chef. I just can't help but still stare at him in admiration. I've always love this side of him, it's the side I'm use to. The sweet, caring and passionate man before me. “Babe, can you please pass me a plate?”

I already moved and pass it to him before what he called me registered in my head. It's was just like old time. He seems to also noticed what he had said and let out a laugh. “Just like old times” he says, smiling at the memory.

I stare at him, still shock to even let out a word. He seems to remember everything. Our past. The scrambled egg was finally ready, he served it in a plate before brewing our coffee. It's all seems so lovely. I really miss this.... Us.

After what seems like forever, we manage to make our way back to each other. Even if I might never be nothing more than a PA, I'm still grateful I got to do this one more time with Dele. I get to watch him cook for me again.

I miss us so badly.

“Can we do it again?” Dele asks, staring hopefully at me.  I scrunch my brows in confusion. “Do what?” I asked.

Dele stares at me tenderly, before saying, “Eat from same plates just like old time?”

Tears threatened to spill,it's just feel so nice that he remembers and even asked to be done again. The tears badly wanted to pour down, I just wanted to cry my eyes out that moment. This moment, feels like everything I've always prayed and wish for.

Get yourself together Priscilla.

I mentally scold myself, plastering a big fat sincere smile on my face.

“I'd love to”

I respond delightfully.

I STILL LOVE HIM☑️ #NOWC22 (OUT ON KINDLE/AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now