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“What the hell were you thinking!”

You must be thinking after my not so accident at the club, Dele would suddenly treat me like an egg that can't be broken but.... Can I be any wrong?. The last few minutes I had open my eyes and found myself at the hospital while last night event roll into my head, Dele haven't stop chatising me ever since.

Apparently, I wasn't thinking when I had left alone to the restroom but could you blame me? It's not like I thought Luke would go all psycho on me. I shouldn't even totally be at fault here. Dele took me to that club and then abandon me to get a drink. He seriously didn't think I'd just pee on myself right in front of every hawking eyes just because I don't want to be left alone. I know I was careless but it's totally wasn't my fault. “You should have went in there with someone! What if something bad had happened? Do you know how I felt when I saw you laying on the floor soaked in your blood? How could you have been so insensitive?!” I shivered from how loud he was yelling.

As much as I wanted to vent out my pent up anger, I couldn't help but think he was right. I really should have left with someone. When I do think of it, I really did act Insensitive. I was drunk and alone in the restroom with someone who clearly has bad motives for me. And when I remember Luke's promise last night, I couldn't help but shiver in fear.

What if he truly comes back for me? Could he really hurt me?

He did hurt me last night when he slammed my head on that concrete wall and even collided his feet with my stomach until he was sure I had pass out. What if yesterday night won't be the only time I'd be meeting Luke?

Dele is right, I should really have left with someone. I could have died last night. “I'm Sorry” I whisper,barely meeting his eyes.

“Why didn't you tell me?” He thrown out at me again, his eyes darken in pure anger. “Tell you wh–”

“You saw him the day I proposed, didn't you?”

Oh shit.

I should have known Maria wasn't gonna keep it between us like I've warned. I specifically told her not to tell Dele because I didn't want him to be worried sick about me. I can handle myself, I'm not a kid. “Yeah I did see him” I heave in a sigh. “And before you say anything, I wasn't sure it was really him. I had doubt and wanted to tell you when I confirm it's him” I immediately rush out but the look on Dele's face tells me he was beyond mad at me.

“I'm really sorr–”

“You wanted to confirm it” He cut in harshly with a scoff, “And is slamming you against the wall till you had concussion a good way to confirm it! He could have killed you and I wouldn't have been able to do anything!” He yelled.

“I didn't die though so it's fine. I'm okay” I try to calm him down. I didn't want us arguing about this nor did I want it to cause a misunderstanding between us. I exhale deeply, “I'm sorry I didn't tell you all about my suspicions but trust me, I was just trying not to make a big deal out of nothing but now, I knew I should have” My fingers suddenly became the most attracting thing in the room, I couldn't meet Dele's eyes as I was scared I'd be face with pure fury.

What I don't understand though, is why Luke is doing all this. Why is he going extreme? I never wrong him in anyway atleast not one I can think of but why is he suddenly trying to make my life a living hell? We were once best friend, he was the closet aside Maria to me in college and he was a good friend. I don't seem to understand his drastic change.

I felt the bed sink beside me as Dele wraps my hand in his giving it a small kiss. I stare at Dele, trying to fight back my tears. “All of this doesn't make any sense. What could I have done to deserve this? He was my friend, I just don't understand why he's doing all this” I cried. Dele pulls me into his chest, trying to soothe me with sweet calm words but that does nothing to help at all.

“I was so scared when I couldn't feel my body. I thought I'd die and that scares the hell out of me. He doesn't even felt remorseful hearing my groan of agony. He just–He just kept hitting me until I couldn't feel anything” I sob, dampening his shirt with my tears.

“We are going to get him, okay? The cops are doing everything in their powers to get him behind bars. He'd have to get through me before he could ever take any steps toward you, I'd make sure of it. I don't care who is ally is, I'd see to it that they spend the rest of their wretched life behind bars” Dele gritted out, each words spat out venomously.

I felt my heart almost fall out of my body from fear as I raise my head to stare into Dele's eyes and ask the very question that scares the hell out of me. “He's not working alone?” I manage to ask, barely in a whisper.

Dele stares at me, unable to say a word as he tries avoiding my eyes.

“Fucking tell me!” I whisper yelled. Even though I didn't want to know the answer to that, I also couldn't help pushing him to let the word out. “We checked the Club cameras. A woman works with him. He was in an Intense conversation with a woman in black hoodies and.... We couldn't hear what they were saying but–”

I wasn't listening anymore. I could feel my chest racing in a crazy speed. Not only Luke was after me, there is also another person working with him? There's only one woman that hate me......

“Do you think it's was Stephanie?” I clung my chest, waiting for the irresistible answer. “The person was in hoodies, all black. I couldn't tell but trust me baby, I'd do everything to keep you safe” Dele cup my cheek in his palm, kissing my forehead tenderly before hugging me to his chest.

There's no doubt that Dele can keep me safe but, why am I still so scared?

Why doesn't it feel like I can't outrun Luke's shadow and now, they're two of them out there, maybe trying to kill me or whatever the hell they're planning.

Just greattt, my life is going so perfectly!

I'm so dead.

A/N :

So Luke isn't working alone?

Who do you think the woman working with him is? Do you believe it's Stephanie?

I'm so excited to see how this turns out.

Please do vote and comment 🥺

I'm so looking forward to more than 1k votes.

And don't forget the most important things..... I love you all ❣️

I STILL LOVE HIM☑️ #NOWC22 (OUT ON KINDLE/AMAZON)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin