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THE NEXT DAY, I had decided to go with a straight tight red skirt that ran down my upper knee, pairs with a black turtle neck that matches perfectly with my heels. After my discussion with Maria, I had decided to strictly keep things professional between Dele and I. Even if the feelings keep eating me up, and I get little tickles from his touch, I'd ignore every feelings and just be nothing but his PA.

I stood before the so familiar building, with a sigh, and mental note 'to put personal feelings aside', I head into the building. Not long enough, I saw Tina waving me over and I approach her. “Good morning Tina” I greeted politely with a smile she returned. “Morning priscy” My heart raised at the use of that familiar nickname. Only him calls me that. “Priscy?” I voice out my thought. Naturally I wouldn't mind but the nickname was something I use to be familiar with and hearing it from Tina, took me back to those time again.

Little reminder like this, can't make me work professionally dammit !

Ohh yeah. Kinda figure Priscilla is too long so I shorten it. You don't mind, do you?” I force a laugh and shook my head.“Of course not” I lie flatly. I do mind! That nickname I use to love hearing whenever Dele's hand does things to my body–Oh my god! I don't even want to go there right now. “They've been a change of schedule as Mr Dele cancelled all meeting and demand your attention in his office” Tina explained at the same time she types away in the computer before her.

“Meeting cancelled? But the email sent to me strictly includes boss presence in the meeting?” I asked, clearly confused. Who cancelled all meeting in dine hours? “This never happens but I'd leave it to you to handle” I wanted to yell Hell no! But instead I said. “Sure, Tina.” and head for the elevator.

All through the lift to his office, I couldn't help but wonder what was wrong. Is he sick? What if something bad happened to him?

If it did he won't be at work my subconscious reminded. Yeah that's right. But why cancelled?

The lift ding, notifying my arrival at the floor. I got out of the elevator, brush off invisible dust off my clothes and straighten my hair neatly before knocking on the door. “You may let yourself in” I resist the urge to roll my eyes at his grumpy voice but entered anyways. He's seated on his chair–Fully dressed this time. His gaze fixed on his laptop with a small frown on his face. “Goodmorning sir” I greeted politely. His gaze finally left the laptop and shift to me.

I watch his intimidating glare roaming around my figures, taking In every part of my body– why is he staring so hard? Dele glare lingered on my body much longer, he didn't seem to wanna snap out of whatever trance he's in. I cleared my throat awkwardly successfully pulling his glare back to me. “Morning Priscilla”He greeted back but I felt my heart thud loudly. He didn't use the nickname. I guess he really did forget about us. “Your meeting start by 8pm and I already schedule the meeting place with Mr Okon sir. He's ready to offer a share in his company” I said professionally. My voice came out strong and firm which I appreciated.

Raising my head from the small document in my hand, only to find out that Dele haven't been listening. “Sir!" I called out but it's felt like he's in a Dreamland or somewhat as his eyes was still fixed on me–I couldn't really tell if he was looking at me cause he seem lost in his own world. “You look beautiful” I blink rapidly, unsure if I heard him right. His face remains neutral, not blinking and just burning holes through my body.  After a deadly pause, I cleared my throat and spoke up. “That's unprofessional sir” I manage to whisper but Dele doesn't seem to mind, his eyes was still  fixed on my curves with a smirk on his face.

I stood stilled, suddenly not knowing whether to snap him out of his trance or chatise him for glaring ungodly at me. Deep down, I didn't wanna do either of it, I feel my heart leap with joy that I wasn't the only one thinking about him. He still look at me how he always does those time. "Can you check the drawer over there and pick out Mr. Benson file?" He politely ask, pointing at the office he came out of the first day I was here. “It's In there” he says nonchalantly, I gave him a polite smile and walk toward the door, opening it.


My jaw nearly hit the floor at the beautiful surrounding glaring back at me. It's wasn't an office at all. The room is a square shape but very magnificent. A king sized bed rested In the middle of the room and the interior designs were just breathtakingly gorgeous. So he has a private bedroom in his office? That's explains why he was half naked before me the other day. He couldn't have thought one of the applicants would arrive early. I didn't notice Dele's presence behind me until I felt a warm breath fanned my neck, down to my earlobe. “You don't know what that skirt is doing to me” His husky voice whisper and I find my eyes involuntarily closing.

“I haven't been able to get you out of my head. You just always keep resurfacing” his lips brushes my ear, I bit down my lower lips to suppress a moan from erupting through me. “Y-you s-shouldn't be doing this s-sir” I hate that my voice came out weak but only Dele has this kinda effect on me. Damn! And I really don't understand when he said he hasn't been able to get me out of his head. Does that mean I still have some effect on him?.

That makes it both of us.

Tell me priscy, do you want me to stop?” The use of that nickname suddenly made me weak to the kneel. You can't let him get to you again! He doesn't love you! He just wants the sex, remember? Those were the reassuring words I need as I suddenly got myself snapped out of his spell. I shouldn't fall for this again. “This is against working protocol so yes, I want you to stop”

Dele looks taken aback, like he's surprise I could resist him but then he snort, the pleasure in his eyes suddenly wipe out as he stare emotionlessly at me.

“Didn't you wear these clothes to seduce me? This game of yours is becoming lame just break those facade and be the slut you are” My mouth drop at his word, I try so hard to blink back the tears but failed miserably when tears ran down my cheek.

Dele expression immediately changed, he look regretful–I doubt he is. “I d–”

“I need t-to use the restroom s-sir” I cut him off, not ready to hear his explanation. My word came out choked, forced as I ran into the restroom, closing the door behind me.

Not long enough that the door shut behind me, tears freely stream down my face as I could barely contain It in.

I STILL LOVE HIM☑️ #NOWC22 (OUT ON KINDLE/AMAZON)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя