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“You think apologizing and crying crocodile tears would make me forgive you? You just proved to me that you're a bastard. Your Dad would be so proud” Sacarsm drip in her last words.

I stare at my mother, tears streamed down my face as I went on my knees. I couldn't let my mother hate me; No, I won't allow it. “I'm so sorry mummy” I cried, resting my hands on my shaken knees. “I was just angry and you said things that were... I'm just sorry mummy, please forgive me ” I stare at her with pleading eyes.

She shakes her head in disapproval, “You called me a killer, your own mother, a killer? And then you open that filthy mouth of yours to say it before a man?!” She exclaimed bitterly and suddenly begin to cry. “I didn't do that to my own mother oo” She weep. “My own daughter open her mouth to call me a killer because of a man? She even almost beat me up for a man!”

I stare in disbelieve, “Mom, I'd never ” I assured her emphatically. She knows I'd never hit her, and I also knew this was just part of her drama but I just really want her to stop hating me and accept Dele. Yes, I said her opinion doesn't matter before, but right now, I felt saying that was stupid. She's my only family, her opinion really does matters. “You'd never what?! Ah, it was just remaining small for you to draw me closer with the hem of my dress and slap me”

Maami na, Stop being overly dramatic. You know I won't do that” I got to my feet and move closer to her, she tried to shrug my hand away, “Leave me biko nu! After you've use big drama to insult me? Me, overly dramatic?” She sobs, hitting her feet on the floor three times and raise a hand to the ceilings.

“I never did this to my mother, I never!” She wipe off her tears and move away from me to sit on the couch. The couch makes a squeaky sound, it was a very old couch Maria and I got cheaply. My mom suddenly stilled after hearing the sound coming from the couch, fearing she might fall but after she sat comfortably, she turn to me and pin the blame on me again like always. “You couldn't warn me about your couch? So your plan was to make me fall on my ass? Why do you keep punishing me?” She begin to weep again, balancing herself properly on the couch.

I tried containing my laughter but I couldn't. I couldn't stop the laugh that erupted from me after watching all the drama my mom keeps performing– well.... I'm use to it. And I also know exactly how to be on her good side. “Ahahn Mummy, I told you whenever you're mad at me you should please stop frowning. Now look, your face is begining to shrink” She immediately sat straight, trying to cease the frown from her face. “Let me help you with it. I have some face cream that help from aging. You'd look just sparkling when you use them” I play on, seeing my words were getting to her even though she's pretending they weren't. My mother loves her face so much that she's always on her mirrors, rubbing and caressing her face. And truthfully, for a 60 year old woman, she still look her best.

“I don't need anything from you. I'd not take anything from you, never! I don't mind ageing as long as I don't use anything from you” With the uncertainty in her voice, I knew she was just trying to keep the last shred of dignity in her. Trust me, I'm my mom's sweetheart, she can never be mad at me. We just love each other too much.

“What about my wedding? You'd be the bride's mother oo. What would people say?”

“Ehhn Tufai kwa! Me? I always say on your wedding like this ehnn, people would mistake me as the bride by the time I'm done wearing my glamorous native dress, with those beautiful set of beads. My makeup alone would be on the next level. You too know the type of mother you have now, Ever young” She self appraise, twirling her hands in the air slowly, pushing her clothes up carefully to showcase she meant what she said. I smirk to myself, my plans were falling into place.

“Then why mom? Why don't you want me to get married to the man I love? Don't you want to see me in my own wedding dress? You don't want to sell Aso-ebi to your friends too?” I move to sit closer to her, she exhaled in deep breath, pulling my hands into hers and staring at me tenderly. “All mother's prays for such blessing for their daughters, what makes you think I don't want the same? I always pray to witness your wedding darling ” She cup my face in her palm, raising my head to stare at her.

“I just don't want you to get hurt. I want you to be happy”

“He makes me happy mom. I can't think of a day without him. I really want you to accept him, please mom” My mom sighed deeply, just on clue, Dele walks in.

We came together to speak with my mom but I begged him to let me talk to her first.

Mom watches every step he takes toward her.

“Good day, Mrs Brown. I believe we didn't meet under the best circumstances but you need to trust me when I say this ma, I love your daughter so much, she means the world to me. I chose to marry her, I want to marry her because she's the only woman that hold my heart. My heart belongs to her already so please ma, don't take my heart away from me. I didn't mean for what happened to your husband but if I could rewind time, I'd take back everything that happened that night and even what I said ” Our eyes meet, he stares at me like I was the only woman in that room that moment.

“I didn't mean anything I said that night. I love you even after I say those hurtful words, I never stopped loving you, I'd always love you”

I stare at the man before me, memories of how we meet settled into my brain. Those refreshing, calming and sweet memories we had. I remembered that boyish grin he'd shoot me whenever I feign annoyance, I remember the tickling and funny faces he makes just to make me smile.

He wasn't that playful boy I use to know, he's a man now. But with everything ounce in me, I still love him. I can't go a day without him, my heart beats just for him.

I am so in love with this man before me, I can't imagine a life without him in it.

Before I could stop myself, I pull him by his shirt towards me, capturing his lips with mine. I kissed him with everything I had in me, forgetting my mother was standing just few feet away from us. We slowly pull away, the smile on my face was so wide that anyone would have thought I won a lotto or a free visa. “That was the best line you could come up with?” I teased, kissing him briefly on the lips.

“I mean it, Priscy. You mean everything to me. I can't wait to make you my wife” His deep husky voice sent goosebumps to my skin. I'd be fucking him right now, if my mother wasn't just few feet away.

Fuck!! My Mom! I just kissed a man in her presence?! Jesus!

“Well is there something I can eat around here? And you...” My mom pointed to Dele, her expression was hard and mean until it suddenly deflated into a wicked smile.

“I can see you erection ” Mom walked away as both Dele and I stare down to the bulge forming on his trouser. And trust me, it wasn't little. He was so hard.

Fuck!” He cursed, trying to cover it with his hand. I burst into laughter “The restroom is down that hall on your left. Help yourself ” I pointed to his hard on erection, trying to stifled my laughter but I just couldn't as I went to join my Mom in the kitchen, leaving Dele dumbstruck.

That must have been very embarrassing for him.

I STILL LOVE HIM☑️ #NOWC22 (OUT ON KINDLE/AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now