We're home!

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After stopping the Cycle of ragnarok, everyone decided that it's time to go home. They all had a pretty good time in heaven and elsewhere but since they've already overstayed there visit and already resurrected everybody. There was no real reason to stay there. So everyone's  walking across the rainbow road back to heaven. "Hey, God!" Charles said. "Hello child." God retorted. "We bout to go home so we're here to say bye." Chris said. "Farewell children." God said. "Stay real, God!" Everyone said. "I'll get us a lift." George said. Underneath himself and everyone else, George opened up another wormhole. Everyone fell through and now are falling back to earth. "Hey, Zombie." Henry said. "I'm not zombie anymore, Henry!" Chris said. "Don't care, you're still about as ugly as one. Anyways, if there's one thing I'm happy about right now, it's that we didn't get to meet Jesus." Henry said. At the sound of that name, Chris started having Vietnam flashbacks. "Don't you ever mention that name, asshole!" Chris said. "Why? What's wrong with the name Jesus?" Sofia asked. Henry and Chris looked at each other. "Should we tell her?!" Chris asked. "Probably not. If she heard the story, it might make her question her own religion. And her whole aesthetic is Christian Nun styled so." Henry said. "But I mean she kinda has the right to know!" Chris said. "Fine. Tell her." Henry said. "Okay Sofia. The reason why me and Henry don't like the name Jesus is because during our misadventures in Nevada and Africa. There was a Demi god that we fought over there. He had a few minions I guess you could say." Chris said.

"Ones name was the Marshall. The Marshall hired Chris as a Mercenary to kill me, because he knew that I was after him. Chris before being a hired killer, he was an assistant to a dude named Jesus who was a scientist that was working on a project called project core. Which was supposed to be a project to use cloning, resurrection, and magnification, via using extraterrestrial energies, to make super soldiers. And an actual god at one point. But then Chris lost his mind under circumstances that only I know about and stopped being an assistant scientist. So the Marshall hired him as a Merc to kill me because around the same time Chris lost his shit, was the same time that I was after the Marshall." Henry explained. "So I'm by myself being awesome, and then The Marshall gives me a picture of Henry and told me to protect him from Henry. A few days go by and I'm with the Marshall and then we get an intruder alert so I leave to see what's going on. And that's when I see Henry for the first time. We both immediately try to kill each other. Henry kills me and moves on with his life. Henry gets to the Marshall and is about to kill him, but then Jesus sneaks behind Henry and blasted his brains out like Abraham Lincoln. Henry dies but comes back after a bit. But after he comes back, Henry tries to kill the Marshall again. Henry is about to go in for the kill, but Jesus stabs Henry in his back meat. Right before dying, Henry Blasted the Marshall and Jesus." Chris said. "To speed this up, we both hate Jesus because he's killed us both at the same time and individually, multiple times. I break into another building of agents and I get to the basement. There's a party going on and Chris is the DJ as a zombie. I shoot Chris in his face but he's not dead, tho he does fall over. The entire club then starts to attack me. I kill everyone. Then Jesus bursts through the door behind me and turns all of the club, except Chris, into more zombies. I kill everyone again and I'm about to kill Jesus. Jesus pulls a gun and starts shooting and I'm slicing all of the bullets. But one goes straight through my neck so now I'm bleeding out. Jesus walks up to as I fall to the ground is about to go for a kill shot. But I pull out a detonator and I blow myself up with Jesus. Chris gets up, starts the music, and dances on both our corpses. But then Jesus keeps coming back no matter how many times we kill him." Henry said.

"That sounded like a very convoluted story. But what's the different between you guys and Jesus? I mean, don't you guys kill each other over and over again too? You guys don't fear each other." Meha asked. "The difference between me and Henry as opposed to Jesus, is that Jesus is a scary dude. Who we both think is a Demi god too. And the fact that he can kill us both at the same time is just kinda unfair to us. So we don't like him because he's so over powered. At least me and Henry are somewhat equals. And we have a theory that Jesus is actually that one nigga that died pinned to a giant wooden T on a hill. But came back to life." Chris said. Sofia is shocked to hear about the theory. "You mean, Jesus H. Christ?!" Sofia said shocked. "Yea that dude!" Henry said. "I guess that makes a monochrome of sense." Sofia said. Everybody lands on earth and in the front lawn of Sofia's church. All of them right away go to the intercity and seeing the hustle and bustle of anthropomorphian and human co-existence. Everybody is really happy that things can finally go back to what is something of normal. "Well looks like your home as been restored. I have friends and a family I gotta get back to. If anything catastrophic happens again, Chris knows how to call me." Henry said turning away from the group and walking away. "Henry's a pretty cool guy." Zee said. "Oh, sweet summer child daughter in law. You don't know what cool is." Chris said. Before taking off himself back to his burrow. Chris jumped into the air and dove head first into the dirt and dig his way to his bunker at sound like speeds. "I guess both of them have things they got to do." Charles said. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm tired as fuck. I'm about to go lay down." Zizzy said. "Come on, Axol. You and I are going to take a nap together." Zizzy added, grabbing Axol's wrist and walking to the condo complex. "Okay." Axol said as he walked with Zizzy to their room. Blake teleported away you her lab to log out everything that happened during her time in heaven as well as putting the sample of archangel blood in a refrigerator. After that everyone started going their separate ways. "If you all will excuse me, I have a friend I have to check on." Edmond said. Edmond dashed off to trinity's house. "So, Zuzu. What are you going to do?" George asked. "I'm not sure really. On one hand I'm tired as a motherfucker and hungry than a bitch. But on the other hand I really want to start practicing with these powers." Zuzy said. "I think they'll be plenty of time for magic practice. If you're tired then you should go to bed." George said. "Okay, I guess I'll go to sleep then. But only if you come with me so I can snuggle you to sleep too." Zuzy said. "Okay!" George said. "I'm not really tired more so hungry." Zee said. Richard's stomach started growling. Zee laughed slightly at that. "I take it that you're hungry too." Zee said. "Yea." Richard said. "Well I've got an easy fix for that. How about I take you out to eat? We can go anywhere you want." Zee said. "Aww, that's sweet of you, Zeehan. But you don't have to trouble yourself about it. I can just cook something to eat." Richard said. "Hell to the motherfucking nah, Baby Bunny. I don't want you to overwork yourself. You've probably had one of the harder experiences in heaven than the rest of us. You deserve to be treated today." Zee said. "And plus. My little baby bun deserves the world, and I take a vow he'll get it served on a silver plate, sautéed and seasoned to taste!" Zee sang. Richard clapped his hands laughing at Zee's voice. "Wow, Zeehan you're singing voice is amazing!" Richard said. "Thank you, baby bunny!" Zee said. "Now let's get going. I'm not going to starve you any longer." Zee said. Zee gently grabbed Richard's hand, brought it to her face, and kissed it before walking Richard down the street. "Hey I'm going to go find Ethan!" William said telepathically to his four surrogate brothers. "Okay be quick about it. Before the lady chasing him finds him again." George said as he was about to get in the bed with Zuzy. "Oh please. I'm one of the fastest beings in the multiverse." William said.

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