Improbable Realities

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Chris was in the living realm in his under ground bunker, pacing back and fourth in front of a dead body that was leaking blood. Chris had a cup in his hand and would periodically refill his cup with the blood that was coming from the body. Chris was thinking about how he would find his family. He was sitting if he would ever find them, they could be dead, he could possibly have nieces and nephews that he would probably never be able to meet because his physique would either scare them off, or the parents wouldn't let them see him. Chris was over all just upset with the circumstances with his family and friends. After a bit Chris stopped thinking about it and finished his glass of O-blood. Chris grabbed his hammer and his axe and went outside from his underground bunker. There was a raging storm outside. Chris lived in a mountain esc kinda of environment. Chris stood their outside his home listening to the loud claps of thunder and the rapid fire light show of lightning just taking it all in. After some peaceful meditation of sorts, Chris decided to go for a jog around the world. Chris ran and parkour'd his way down the mountain and started running in a random direction. Chris was in Texas and it was dark outside he was walking down a neighborhood sidewalk and suddenly he hears laughing like adult-ish, Clown-ish laughing. He looks around and eventually lands his eyes on a road drain. He walks over to it and looks inside it. At high speeds, a face uncovers itself from the darkness. "Hello Chrissy!" The clown face said. "Um hello?" Chris said. "Do you want a Balloon?" The clown face asked holding up a red balloon. "Uh no thanks. What I do want is for you to tell me who you are and how you know my name." Chris said grabbing his hammer and slamming it along the ground so the clown face can see it. "Oh. That's something you don't see every day. Well it seems you're not going to come to me willingly, soooo~" at that moment the clown shot out from the ground and landed behind chris. Chris stood on his feet and turned around. Seeing that the person in the street drain was not a clown but instead a jester. The jester pulled a street sign out of his back and held it in his hands in a way that made it look like he was about to attack Chris with it. "So I guess I'll have to take you by force. This is going to be very entertaining." The jester said. "Oh ok, I guess we're doing this now, I have no objections." Chris said holding his hammer in his hands. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" The jester shouted. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH" Chris shouted. The two of these monsters charge at each other.

After the fight. The jester laid there on the ground on the brink of death. Chris who was steadily bleeding out, walks over to the jester slowly. "You... You... What are you..?" The Jester asked. "I'm nobody special. Just a guy who has lost everything in his life and has basically nothing to live for." Chris asked. "Please... before you...kill me... listen to what I need to say." The jester said. "What's wrong." Chris asked. "There is a threat...a massive threat that... could destroy countless...realities with the blink of an eye...." the jester says weakly. "Ok? What about it?" Chris asked putting his hammer on his back. "It's coming to this universe... she is going to kill everyone...I have been born into a life...of combat and I was forced to take so many lives...she wants nothing but carnage..." the jester says coughing up a strange purple liquid. "Please stop her...prevent her from killing everything you what I couldn't do and save your world..." the jester said. After that, the jester closes his eye and is about to die. Chris wasn't going to let the Jester die and slices open his own wrist with his axe. Blood drips from Chris's hand at a fast rate. Chris puts his bleeding wrist above the jester mouth, letting his blood leak into his jaws. The blood red liquid slowly drains out down the jester's esophagus. Slowly the jester's body is healed, the wounds seal back up and the broken bones repair themselves. The jester sits up on the pavement. "Wh-why?" The Jester asked holding his head. "I'm not going to let you die. You were defeated that really what I strived for during this whole encounter between the two of us." Chris explained who took a seat on the ground next to the jester on the curb. The Zombie-Vampire-Demon-Monster man from hell and the Alien-Serial killer-Street Sign wielding-Warrior-Jester man from space continued talk. The Jester told Chris more information about the threat that is coming to earth. And Chris told the jester about how things work on earth and how life is on the planet. As the two of them were talking a shadow from the sky catches both of their attention, making them both turn their heads towards the moon to see what was going on.

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