Chapter 62

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  The room was filled with an awkward silence that made Jennette sweat underneath her dress. The sofa table in front of her was holding a small tea set for two and a slice of cake only for her to enjoy. Apparently, the emperor was not too fond of desserts to not let the maid cut a slice for him.

  Speaking of the emperor, Claude was sitting opposite her on his own sofa, looking at the young lady with disinterest, not saying a word to her ever since she set foot into the room.

  Speaking of the emperor, Claude was sitting opposite her on his own sofa, looking at the young lady with disinterest, not saying a word to her ever since she set foot into the room

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  "Oh, it's my first meeting with Athy's father," Jennette's words trailed off and then she proceeded to make a strained smile. 'I had my expectations way up high when I was about to meet him, only to be met with disappointment... Older people do like to sleep a lot, don't they?'

  "That looks like an awkward situation," Lucas stated in the bluntest way possible.

  "Oh, come on. A meeting with Claude can't be that awkward, right?" Diana said with a grin. "Sure, he looks intimidating to be around but once you get to know him, he's a huge ol' softie... who can kill."

  "You know Diana, everything you said was fine but did you have to include the last part?" Claude asked with a straight face while Diana playfully twisted a lock of his golden blond hair. She always enjoyed doing that to him.

  "She is not wrong, Sire," Felix said, earning a glare from the man himself. 'Although... I think she's only saying that he has a soft heart because she loves him.'

  "... Lady Diana, forgive me for saying the harsh truth to you but Athy's father is kind of terrible at entertaining guests," Jennette said, hoping that Diana wouldn't be offended by her saying that. Her bold statement caused most of the people in the room to look at her in surprise. "... After all, he did sleep during our first private meeting."

  "Speaking of him sleeping during your first meeting, it's still weird that despite falling asleep, His Majesty still wishes to see you regularly," Roger said while folding his arms across his chest. If there was one thing that all of Jennette's meetings with the emperor had in common, it was that he'd always fall asleep.

  'Well that's because Jennette is able to erase his headaches because her black magic acts as a stabilizer for him,' Lucas thought, having no further thought to tell the others about this information.

  '... I need...' Jennette fidgeted in her seat but it went unnoticed by the person sitting in front of her. 'I need something to talk about.'

  "Y-Your Majesty, I hope you have been in good health," she spoke up with a polite smile to conceal her nervousness.

  No response came from Claude.

  "Oof, this is sad to watch," Lucas said while wincing. "I'm experiencing second-hand embarrassment already, what the hell?"

  Jennette just laughed it off to ease her own awkwardness. "I thought I'd be getting somewhere if I was the one to initiate the conversation first. But that failed miserably."

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