A short lunch break

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  "... I'm gonna be honest here," Lucas said out loud after taking a few large bites of the burger he was eating. "Even though some of the food is unhealthy? They still taste delicious. Perhaps even more than the food at the palace."

  Jennette let out a satisfied sigh as she slowly ate a piece of boneless fried chicken that was completely wrapped in melted cheese. "I'm definitely going to miss eating these once we return to Obelia," she said, her voice slightly muffled since she was still eating. She looked at Ijekiel who was eating something on the menu called prawn scampi pasta. She smiled. "Looks like you're also enjoying your meal, Ijekiel."

  "Of course I'm enjoying my meal," Ijekiel said before using his fork to pick up a hot cheese popper from the plate in front of them all. "Like Lucas said earlier. Some of the food here may be too unhealthy for us, but it doesn't hurt to try them once in a while, right?"

  Lucas groaned after he ate a crispy onion ring. "I might have to skip dinner with how much I'm eating right now..."

  Everyone was having their lunch in the dining area. There was a long buffet table with a wide variety of food being offered. However, they were still able to order things on the menu. The adults were sitting at the same table whereas the teenagers (Lucas is around 200 years old but he's in the body of a teenager so he counts as a teenager?) had their own table not far from them.

  A satisfied moan escaped from Felix's mouth as he ate his lunch which consisted of steamy white rice and katsu curry. "Ahh... So good...," he mumbled. The curry tasted a bit sweet while the chicken cutlet was incredibly crispy. Perhaps the palace should consider adding this to their menu for lunch or dinner in the near future.

  '... Perhaps I should tell Felix to stop moaning like that whenever he's eating,' was what Claude thought while glancing at the knight weirdly. 'Seriously, why does he always do that? Even if the food here tastes good, that doesn't mean...' His train of thought trailed off as he proceeded to eat his hot bowl of miso ramen. Occasionally, he used his chopsticks to pick up a fried tempura and dipped it in its special sauce. '... Crunchy,' he thought as he munched on the tempura.

  "Uh, Diana? Don't you think you're eating a lot?" Lily asked in a weak voice while lowering her fork and knife slightly. She was in the middle of eating her fish and chips until she noticed her close friend eating a second plate of lasagna. 'I'm a bit worried that you might get a stomach ache from eating too much. Not to mention that you're pregnant so you have to watch what you eat..."

  "You don't have to worry about me, Lily," Diana reassured her with a huge grin. "Both our stomachs are empty since we didn't have any breakfast today so might as well eat more than usual, right? Also, I promise I'll eat something healthier for my baby's sake. Now then..." She used a fork to pick up a small piece of her lasagna and moved it toward Lily. "Wanna try? Say 'Ahh'..."

  'How chaotic...,' Roger thought while he quietly ate his steak.

  "You know if you think about it... Don't you think that this is too much food for us all to eat alone?" Jennette asked out loud while looking around the dining area. There were a lot of empty seats and yet there was so much food on the buffet table. "Are there even other people in this building?"

  "Actually there are more people other than us staying here for the time being," Ijekiel answered. He drank his vanilla milkshake and sighed. "Miss Myra told me not too long ago that there are people like us who are here to react to their close one's life on the big screen as we do. However, it's highly unlikely that we'll meet up with them since they have their own breaks that won't clash with ours."

  "Huh. That's cool to know, I guess," Lucas said while picking out another random onion ring before eating it.


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