Chapter 40

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  Jennette continued to scream in her mind, a few jumbled words were mixed in as well.


  Jennette's scream continued to go on inside her head for a few more seconds.

  Lucas winced and covered his ears. "Why are you screaming so loudly? Wait, a more important question is HOW you're screaming so loudly inside your mind."

  "Why wouldn't I be screaming out loud in my mind?" Jennette asked him. "The emperor who I now know is actually my uncle suddenly appeared out of nowhere before me... And he's wearing a robe that looks like it could fall down his shoulders at any time."

  "... Uncle?" Claude was still not used to the concept of him being referred to as that.

  Anastacius clicked his tongue in annoyance while looking at the man on screen. "You really need to know how to not show off that body of yours when you're wearing your robes. It leaves so little to the imagination."

  "I don't mind his robes. He looks hot in them," Diana commented casually and while everyone glanced at her weirdly, she took a small sip of her strawberry milkshake she had gotten a few minutes before they started watching. "What?" she asked them while tilting her head in confusion.

  Her heart was starting to beat rapidly. Her presumed father was right in front of her and she had no idea what to say to him. Jennette continued to stutter.

  "D-Do you...," Jennette began. "D-Do you remember me, by any chance?"

  Her heart sank to the bottom when Claude glared down at her, showing no warmth in the slightest.

  "Is there any reason why I should remember you in particular?" Claude asked her.

  "Claude... are you trying to terrify the poor girl?" Diana asked her lover rather too bluntly.

  Jennette flinched, surprised by how cold he was being towards her. Instinctively, like a prey who was terrified of a nearby predator, she took a step back.

  The emperor looked at the strange girl for a few seconds before glancing off into the distance, the direction where the tea party was being held at. "An outsider in the palace at this hour...," he said. It seemed that he had calmed down slightly. "Must be a guest for the tea party."

  "I'll look the other way for today, then."

  Jennette nervously fiddled with her fingers, twisting the ring on her ring finger around.

  "Consider yourself lucky," Claude continued, not bothered at all by the fact that the poor girl was petrified. "I wouldn't have let you go this easily if you weren't Athanasia's guest."

  "Claude, how dare you threaten my daughter like that," Anastacius said before pulling Jennette into a warm embrace while glaring at his younger brother. Jennette, at first surprised that he actually pulled her into a hug, relaxed and eventually she was blushing while laughing nervously. It was a bit awkward since they were still in their seats.

  Claude just rolled his eyes. "How should I know that she's your daughter?"

  "Still... It is out of line of you to suddenly threaten a young lady when she's the princess' guest, Your Majesty," Felix spoke up. When Claude turned his head to glare at him the knight looked away, whistling, trying to ignore the famed death stare.

  Jennette continued to look down, not confident enough to even face him. Her eyes lingered on the ring on her finger. "As she clasped her right hand over the other, her normally dark blue eyes were replaced with the royal's signature jewel blue ones. They glowed dimly, her heart was beating faster and faster.

Watching over Obelia's Precious Jewel // WMMAP ficWhere stories live. Discover now