Special QnA chapter! pt.3 + Bonus

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Ask Lucas anything!

  "... Why are you in your adult form, Sir Lucas?" Myra asked while staring blankly at the boy, or man at the moment, who had just walked into the room with a smug grin.

  Lucas shrugged his shoulders and went to the empty office chair beside the brunette. "Well firstly, I got bored of being in my younger form for too long," he explained while putting up one finger. "And secondly... I just wanted to flaunt my good looks to the others just to annoy them. And I like to annoy people." He raised a second finger. "And finally... I wanted to see that Whitey boy's reaction when I transformed into my adult form right in front of him."

  "... So how did Sir Ijekiel respond?" Myra asked.

  Lucas picked up the cup of hot tea that was in front of him and took a small sip. Then, he smiled innocently. "He got a bit red-faced, of course! Then he was upset with me and hit my head a few times but it was worth it. Pfft! His reaction was so similar to the princess' whenever I turn into an adult all of a sudden, it's hilarious."

  Myra looked at Lucas before smiling. "Thank goodness I decided to bring this with me," she said before picking something up from under the table.

  "What are you talking about- Oh..."

  In her hands was a toy hammer.

  "Why... do you have that thing with you right now?"

  [In case you provide an answer that's either too insensitive or too inappropriate, Myra here will bonk you on the head with that toy hammer.]

  Lucas squinted his eyes at the talking laptop.

  "It also makes a sound too when you hit something with it!" Myra exclaimed while hitting the palm of her hand with the toy hammer playfully.

  Bonk! Bonk!

  Lucas's small frown eventually turned into a pout. He placed the teacup on its saucer and folded his arms across his chest. "Fine. I promise I won't say anything stupid that could potentially offend my fans. Happy now?"

  "Satisfied, actually." Myra smiled before turning to look at the camera. "Ladies and gentlemen? May I present to you everyone's favourite royal magician, Sir Lucas!"

  Lucas winked. "Hello there," he said lazily.

  "Now, then! It's questioning time!"

  heartless122370 asks: How old are you ...

  "... Wow. First question and it's about how old I am?" Lucas sounded so sarcastic. Then, he smirked. "You know that it's rude to ask someone about their age, right?"

  "Aren't you around 200 years old, Sir Lucas?" Myra asked.

  [He's over 200. It's stated on WMMAP's fandom wiki.]

  ... And just like that, everyone finally found out about Lucas' true age.

  barbaraculjak asks: How would you feel if your backstory was revealed in a special chapter?

  "My backstory?" Lucas repeated. "What's so interesting about knowing my past?"

  "Need I remind you that you're one of, if not, everyone's favourite character in 'Who Made me a Princess'?" Myra told him. "So of course, a lot of people would be curious about your past. About the time you spent with your late instructor, the time you spent with your family... Everything about you before your fateful encounter with the princess in the royal garden."

  "... That's stupid," Lucas mumbled. "Why are people so interested in learning about my past when it's just filled with pointless drama and sadness?"

  [These people like the angst because they like to torture themselves emotionally.]

  "Exactly!" Lucas exclaimed. "And I'm someone who enjoys watching the drama! But I swear to god if you guys decide to show everyone else my backstory I would actually sue you. I don't want anyone to pity me just because I had a sad childhood."

  "Well lucky for you, we won't show them your past," Myra said afterwards.

  "Oh, thank god."

  [But your entire backstory has been revealed in the novel version of Who Made me a Princess! Not the Lovely Princess, by the way. This is the novel version of the story you're reacting to I'm talking about. Why not try to sue the author instead? :)]

  "... I don't know how I should feel about having my backstory being used as profit in a freaking novel."

  miracle_1503 asks: Why are you so narcissistic? Why are you so in denial? You like Athy, right? Are you willing to go against anyone to protect her? If Athy doesn't choose you in the end how would you react? Will you let her go and set her free?

  Lucas had to actually think about this one. Swirling the teacup in his hand around, he took another small sip. "Well to answer your first question dearie, the reason why I am so narcissistic is that I know I am good looking and no one else can stand a chance against me," he said before pushing his long black hair back.

  [Oh, boy. Here we go...]

  Myra smiled weakly. "Boss? Please be quiet while Sir Lucas here is answering his questions."

  Lucas seemed to ignore them both and just continued. "And what do you mean by in denial? There's nothing I'm in denial about. And... who says anything about me liking her of all people? Excuse me, but I have ridiculously high standards. Do I need to spell the word 'standards' for you people?"

  Guess he had forgotten all those times he had heart eyes for the princess. His little crush on Athanasia was just so obvious to everyone else.

  "But still... I will not hesitate to go against everyone who dares to hurt her. Even her own father." Behind his bangs, his ruby red eyes glowed dimly. "I'm powerful enough so I'm able to erase anyone who tries to make her life even more difficult than it already is with ease."

  ... Why was the temperature in the room dropping all of a sudden?

  "I don't really care if she doesn't choose me in the end... because I never liked her in that romantic sense."

  Well, that was a lie.

  "... But I'm just saying she has poor taste in men if she chose Ijekiel to be her lover, that's all."

  "I see...," Myra mumbled with a blank expression on her face before looking at another question for Lucas to answer.

  FabulaeQuinque asks: Lucas if you are to unleash your full powers, how strong are you exactly? Based on destruction level, choose one: village, town, city, country, kingdom, empire, continent, world, solar system, galaxy, universe, multi-verse.

  "Well, if you're wondering about how strong I was when I was in my prime..." Lucas hummed with a smile. "I guess I'm strong enough to destroy an entire empire. But of course, I would never do something like that unless I've been provoked. Destroying a single empire as large as, say Obelia, would cause all my mana to be drained out of me so I just use my magic to do smaller things that would inconvenience people."

  "Like pranking the princess and your future victim, Sir Ijekiel?" Myra asked.

  Lucas snorted. "Oh, please. Ijekiel is already my victim for a long time now."

  heartless122370 asks: Leave ATHYKIEL ALONE

  heartless122370 asks: WHY DO U NOT LIKE IJEKIEL

  "First of all...," Lucas began. "What the hell is an 'Athykiel'?"

  "Just think of it as a nice ship name for the princess and Sir Ijekiel if they ever become a cute couple," Myra explained. "But if you end up with her, then your ship name would be 'Lucathy'!"

  "Oh, I understand now," Lucas replied. Thinking about Ijekiel and Athanasia becoming an official couple irritated him slightly for some reason. He then let out an annoyed tsk. "If it annoys you so much that I'm getting in the way of your precious dream pairing, my dear, then no. I won't leave 'Athykiel' alone."

  ... Myra was so tempted to hit him with the toy hammer now due to how rude he sounded.

  "And what do you mean that I don't like Ijekiel?" Lucas smiled angelically. "I absolutely love and adore the guy!"

  skylar0stacy asks: If you can do anything..... Can you send Athy back to her world?

  "Bringing her back... to her world?" Lucas repeated the question. "You mean the world she was in before she got reincarnated into our world? Well, it would be possible to do that. I actually tried travelling to random dimensions before and it's incredibly easy. But the only reason why dimension travelling is so easy for me is that I'm the most powerful magician alive. Ehe."

  A loud groan of irritation was coming from the laptop but Lucas paid no attention to it whatsoever.

  "I can bring the princess back to her world for a short visit. If she wants to, of course," Lucas continued. "... I just hope she wouldn't ask me to actually take her back to her original world just to know about what happened to her original body after ending up in Obelia," he mumbled.

  Lucas_Boi_ asks: Do you know that I love you?

  Lucas let out a chuckle propping his elbows on the desk to rest his head on his intertwined fingers. "Well, judging by your name? You must be obsessed with me," he said. As if he wanted to amuse the person who sent that sweet question, he winked and smiled. "Love you too, by the way."

  cnthus asks: Did you regret every decision that led to Athanasia being angry at you? Ever felt that you should stop being a tsundere?

  "Nope!" Lucas shook his head. "I actually really like it when she's mad at me. The annoyed face she would make as she glares at me is amusing for me to see..."

  "The way she would either hit you on the head or tug your hair back?" Myra continued when Lucas' words trailed off. She then smirked. "You like that as well?"

  Lucas nodded. "Yes - Hey, wait a minute!" He had just realised what she had just said and he was now glaring daggers at the woman. He wanted to argue... but he honestly couldn't. "... Just keep that as a secret between you and me, got it?"

  Myra stifled her laughter. "Alright. Alright... But what if Sir Ijekiel's the one who's hitting you?"

  "Are you trying to expose me right now?"

  [Lucas? Go to horny jail. For everyone's sake.]

  BabyD_13 asks: If Athanasia lets herself get killed by amnesiac Claude and what welcomed you when you got back was her tombstone, what are you gonna do? Also, can you cure the coronavirus?



  Oh, dear.

  "Hm." Lucas frowned but it was clear to everyone that he was starting to get pissed off. "Well we should be glad that the man didn't actually kill his precious daughter," he said. The mere thought of being greeted with a tombstone of Athanasia instead of her greeting him after getting back from the World Tree... ugh. It disgusted him knowing that Claude was actually capable of doing something so cruel, and with him suffering from amnesia? That only made it worse. "I probably won't be able to contain my anger and just..."

  He didn't dare to finish his sentence but the dark expression on his face said it all.

  Myra shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

  Then, Lucas returned back to his regular self. "I don't wanna think about this one anymore. Just thinking about this gives me a headache." He scratched the back of his head. "By the way, what's the 'Coronavirus'?"

  "... It's just a highly infectious virus that caused a huge pandemic that's spreading throughout the world right now," Myra gave him a simpler explanation of what the virus was.

  "Ah, so it's a virus. Nope! Magic can't solve that. But it can solve paying anyone's medical bills by creating counterfeit money with magic!"

  LizkookBunicorn asks: Any magic spells that can isekai me? cuz I really wanna be isekaid and jUst be a mAid 🤡

  "The hell is an isekai?" Lucas was getting more and more confused about these modern terms these people were using.

  "Isekai is basically a Japanese word and it's translated to 'another world'," Myra explained. She leaned back in her seat and continued. "It's a well-known sub-genre of fantasy in fictional stories these days where the main character would get transported into an entirely different world from theirs. Most of the time, it's about how the protagonist from the modern world would somehow end up in a fantasy universe. The princess' story is considered to be an isekai story because Princess Athanasia is someone who's from the modern world who got reincarnated into your world as a baby," she took a deep breath. "There are plenty of ways for the main character to end up in that fantasy world, however. Most of the time, they would either die a horrible death and be reincarnated as anyone in the fantasy world."

  "... Well damn. That's interesting to know," Lucas said simply. "Well... I'm not really sure if there are any spells that can make you get reincarnated into their dream fantasy world where you can live your life as a mere maid. But if I go through some of the older spell books... it probably exists somewhere."

  [Oh, so there are some spells that you don't know. And I thought you're the most powerful magician in all of Obelia.]

  "Can we just shut this rude modern piece of technology down?" Lucas glared at the laptop. "I'm getting annoyed by its voice."

  Myra patted Lucas' shoulder and smiled. "Just ignore it. The person who's using the laptop to communicate with us isn't a huge fan of you, that's all. Hope you don't get too offended by this."

  Undertale_miss asks: If you actually were with Athy wouldn't it could as paedophilia or not?

  "... Ooh, a controversial question," Myra whistled, knowing that this topic was something that was occasionally discussed among other fans in the fandom. "So, Sir Lucas. What's your opinion on this?"


  Ah, it seemed that Lucas was also a bit confused about whether being with Athanasia could be considered paedophilia or not.

  "Well... If we involve both of your mental ages, with you being around 200 years old and her having the mentality of a woman who's in her... what? early to mid-thirties?" Myra said. "Even I have to admit that it's really confusing whether your relationship could be considered as that or not, Sir Lucas."

  "Can we just skip this question? Because this question is making me uncomfortable."

  "Of course, Sir Lucas."

  KiraZrynnAnime asks: Do you recognise your feelings for Athanasia?
Lucas, how did you feel when you found out about Athy's past as the OG Athy. (since our Athy and Athy is same person)?

  LizkookBunicorn asks: Do you actually like Athy? Are your feelings genuine? When will you actually be warm to AthY cUZ IM DYING TO SEE U BOTH TOGETHER WITHOUT FIGHTING OR TEASING (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻

  There was a faint blush on Lucas' face. And he couldn't do anything about it. "I do not have a crush on that idiot!"

  [Are you sure about that?]

  "You know, Sir Lucas. When you keep sending these mixed signals, it only makes everyone else more confused about what you actually think of the princess."

  "Shut up, you two...," he grumbled.

  Itzme_Lorraine asks: Lucas why are you so handsome?

  Lucas only chuckled while running his fingers through his silky black hair.

  He never really did answer that question because he was just being his regular narcissistic self and just smiled, knowing that he was, in fact, very handsome.

Watching over Obelia's Precious Jewel // WMMAP ficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora