Special Chapter 2: Haunted Mansion pt.2

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  "Sir Felix, why must you leave your flashlight there? It's crucial to have a flashlight when exploring a haunted area!" Myra cried out to one of the screens exasperatedly. She sighed when the red-haired knight made random turns in the mansion's corridors and ran her fingers through her hair. "The place's pitch black out there. It's almost impossible to walk around...," she muttered while looking at the man with worry.

  She was impressed by how Felix was able to scream for almost five minutes.

  Myra stretched her arms as she spun around with the office chair she sat on. She then stopped to look at another surveillance screen.

  "Now, let's see how the others are doing..."

*With Diana and Lily...*

  Lily flinched when she heard the wooden door behind her slamming shut and turned her head to look behind. There was nothing unusual about the door, except for the fact that it was covered in scratches on its wooden texture. "Are you sure this mansion is not haunted, Diana?" she asked warily, looking at the brave blonde who walked in front of her.

  Diana snickered and wrapped her arm around the brunette's shoulder. There was an assuring smile on her pretty face. "Lily, ghosts are not real. You're just overreacting."

  "Diana, we live in a world where magic, wizards and the supernatural are real. I know I'm overreacting over something as trivial as this... but what if this ghost is an evil one?" Lily looked like a kitten with anxiety, with how she held onto Diana with shaky hands. "I don't want to get on the ghost's bad side."

  'Oh Lily, you're so cute,' Diana thought. She patted Lily's head softly. It was surprising that the usually calm and collected nanny had a cute side to her. "Now, now. I'm here and I'll make that ghost scared of me instead!"

  The table beside them that was under a hanging vintage mirror suddenly levitated from the creaky wooden floorboards before it was thrown with such force toward the blonde. Luckily Lily was able to pull Diana away before the table could hit a strand of her hair due to her quick reflexes. The table had hit the dark walls of the mansion instead and the impact broke the table into pieces.

  "That is not a sturdy table," Diana commented drily.

  "Really? That's the first thing you said after almost dying?" Lily muttered in disbelief.

  The two ladies froze in their places when they heard the sound of a nearby door slowly creaking open. They dared themselves to not look at the door but curiosity had gotten the best of them when they heard the sound of a young boy weeping.

  "Mama? It's dark in here... Where are you?" the disembodied voice cried out in a weak whisper.

  Lily gulped visibly. She had a soft spot when it came to children but ghost children? It was a bit of a grey area for her. She glanced over at Diana and it seemed that Diana was thinking about the same thing as her.

  "Should we...," Diana's words trailed off.

  "Ignore the voice and leave this place together?" Lily decided to finish her friend's sentence. Seeing the blonde nodding, they both held each other's hand firmly. "We'll go at the count of three."

  "Madam, do you know where my mama is?" the voice was growing closer to them. They could hear the sound of faint footsteps coming toward them. Can ghosts even walk on land or was that some sort of special effects thing? "She told me to hide inside the closet so the big bad monster wouldn't find me..."

  "One...," Lily whispered.

  "Too bad the monster was good at playing hide and seek," the voice continued.

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