Before chapter 61

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  "Good morning, gentlemen," Myra greeted with a refreshing smile as Roger, Claude and Felix approached the entrance to the screening room. Was she standing outside this whole time waiting for them? If so, then for how long? "I hope you had a wonderful breakfast earlier."

  "Ah, good morning Miss Myra," Felix, who appeared to be more energetic compared to the other two men greeted back. Instead of wearing his regular knight uniform, he wore modern clothing that would be considered as comfortable. "Yes, we did in fact had a wonderful breakfast just now. Actually, Sir Roger and I accompanied His Majesty because we saw him eating at a table alone."

  "... Sir Claude, you ate your breakfast alone?" For some reason, Myra felt a bit bad for the emperor who had a sour expression on his face after Felix told her that.

  "Felix, I would advise you to stop oversharing information so carelessly like that," Claude subtly warned the knight who had just chuckled at him. 'How annoying...,' he thought. '... But what can I do? He's Felix.'

  Roger was the only one who noticed the cold stare Claude gave Felix so he scooted away from him a bit.

  Myra decided to change the topic of discussion. "Anyway, feel free to go to your usual seats while we're waiting for the others to arrive. Sir Anastacius and Miss Jennette are already inside." She opened the door and ushered for the men to walk in. "The both of them are still asleep so it would be best to not disturb them."

  Oh? Anastacius and Jennette were still asleep.

  While Felix had no ill intent towards the former emperor, that did not mean that Claude and Roger were in the same boat as him. On the contrary, they'd love to somehow scare the living hell out of Anastacius that he wakes up from his deep slumber.

  However, since Jennette was also still fast asleep, they refrained from doing so.

  Upon entering the screening room, they noticed the father and daughter duo sitting in the front row, with Jennette resting her head on her father's shoulder. She looked so peaceful sleeping like that...

  A total contrast to her father who often moved around in his sleep.

  Roger turned his head to look at Myra who continued to smile. "Were you even able to sleep last night, Miss Myra?"

  She laughed weakly. "Haha, nope."

  After the three men went to their respective seats, the other four people in their group finally arrived. They were all also wearing modern clothing and looked amazing in them. Diana and Lily seemed to be more comfortable with wearing pants so that's nice.

  "Ahh, good morning everyone," Myra greeted them with a large grin on her face. "Lady Diana and Lady Lily, I am guessing that you both rested well last night?"

  "Good morning to you as well, Miss Myra," Diana greeted back with the same enthusiasm. "Yes, both Lily and I slept well! It's definitely a nice experience to sleep in the same bed with a friend. I slept like a baby for the rest of the night and if it weren't for Lily waking me up, I'm sure I would have missed watching the first chapter for today."

  Lily chuckled weakly. 'It did take me a few tries to wake Diana up that doesn't end up with her throwing a pillow at me.' She decided to keep that small fact a secret, knowing that it would embarrass the dancer tremendously.

  Myra glanced over at the two boys. "Looks like you two are getting along."

  "I dragged Ijekiel here along to watch a scary movie with me," Lucas stated bluntly while wrapping an arm around Ijekiel who quickly evaded it. The young lord cleared his throat while fixing his shirt's collar. "We watched Coraline and Ijekiel ended up hiding under a blanket for the majority of the movie."

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