Special Chapter 1: Misadventures in Lotte World pt.1

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  "How did we even end up here?" Claude asked. He was already getting annoyed.

  "Your guess is as best as mine, Your Majesty," Felix responded as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

  "How is this... thing moving so fast?" Lily asked as she looked out of the window beside her. Tall buildings, people wearing the strangest pieces of clothing and moving vehicles flew past them so quickly.

  Jennette's eyes lit up in amazement, her mouth slightly agape. "Whoa... this place looks amazing."

  Myra smirked as she turned the wheel, making the van turn to the right smoothly. "Wait until we get out and actually experience this city," she said. "There're a lot of things that you don't have in your world that we have in this one. Hopefully, you guys will be able to experience most of them."

  Anastacius, who had to sit in the front passenger seat since he had a feeling that Claude was still cautious of him, was scrolling through Myra's phone, trying to get himself used to use it . "How on earth do you use this thing?" He felt his eyebrows twitching slightly as he looked at the confusing layout of the phone.

  Lucas was taking a nap in his seat. He was getting annoyed quickly since he was forced to sit between Ijekiel and Jennette who were voicing out their wonder and amazement for the city.

  Lily had been reading the small guidebook she had found on her seat after they were suddenly transported in this van. Well, before they had been transported into this van, they had the opportunity to take a shower and received a new set of clothes.

  Diana, who was sitting beside Lily realised the brunette was concentrated on the guidebook. "What are you reading, Miss Lily?" she asked.

  Lily looked up and smiled at the beautiful blonde and showed her the page she was reading. "I was just reading about some of the attractions here in Seoul," she told Diana. The page she was showing her right now was about a famous attraction. "Apparently, this is a really famous indoor amusement park."

  "Are you referring to Lotte World? " Myra asked from the driver's seat.

  The traffic light ahead of them turned red, so Myra pressed on the breaks and the van stopped.

  "Yes. Have you been there before?" Lily asked.

  "Why did we stop?" Felix asked at the same time. They were still not told about the traffic rules in this new world they were in.

  "It's a red light so I had to stop to let the other vehicles on the roads pass by," Myra answered Felix's question before answering Lily's. "And yes, I have been there with some friends not too long. If you want, I could take you guys there right now to have some fun."

  Jennette looked away from the van window to look at Myra with sparkling eyes. "Really?! We can really go there?!"

  'She's so cute! Seriously, how is she the daughter of the gentleman sitting beside me?' Myra thought. She broke into a smile. "As long as you guys promise not to stand out too much, of course!"

  "I would rather stay in here while they all go out," Claude said, causing Diana to glance at him and flick his forehead.

  "Come on, Claude. I'm sure that you've never had fun before. I'm sure we're all a bit tense from the last chapter, so why not take this opportunity to release some of that tension by going to this amusement park?"

  "I agree with Lady Diana, Your Majesty!" Felix exclaimed. "You need to have some fun every once in a while, you know?"

  The others seemed to agree as well, leaving Claude to sigh.

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