Special Chapter 2: Haunted Mansion pt.1

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  "What are we even looking at right now?" Claude asked. He looked up at the building before him and felt a chill going down his spine, which was rare for him to get.

  "Well, it looks like a mansion," Anastacius decided to answer the emperor's question. "In fact, it's an ominous-looking mansion. I have a feeling that something terrible had happened in this place a long time ago judging from how old and abandoned-looking it is."

  Jennette grew more worried. "You don't think someone died in here... right?" she asked. She hid behind her father's back, trembling. She felt a bit chilly whenever she looked at the mansion and it was definitely not because of the cold.

  "Oh yeah, and the ghost of the person who dies here continues to roam around the place, waiting for anyone who enters their next victim," Lucas said creepily while smiling sinisterly, causing the poor brunette girl to yelp in fear. He cackled loudly but was suddenly stopped by Ijekiel who slapped his head.

  "Lucas, it's rude to scare someone like that," the silver-haired boy scolded. He was starting to act like a mother. "Look at Jennette. She's terrified now because of you!"

  "Then why not calm her down, prince charming?"

  "Well, Jennette's father over there is already calming her down so I don't have to do that, giving me more time to scold you."

  "You sound old."

  "Well, isn't that ironic? Especially when you're the one who's probably older than my ancestors."

  "Oh, come on. I'm not that old. You're overexaggerating it!"

  "Uh... should we stop them before this argument starts escalating into a fight?" Felix asked the two ladies who were conversing with each other.

  "I'd rather not," Diana said with an innocent smile on her face. "This is far too amusing. If I have some popcorn with me right now I don't mind looking at them quarrelling for entertainment the whole day."

  "Oh, Diana..." Lily facepalmed.

  All of them were wearing the same clothes they wore when they went to Lotte World. According to Myra, what they were looking at right now was a mansion that had been abandoned by a rich family in a small town a long time ago. Apparently, people did die inside the house but did the current townspeople care about that? Of course not! The mansion was situated near the outskirts of the small town so not a lot of people visited the place... unless they were challenged to go through a test of courage and break into the house and spend a night inside.

  "I have a bad feeling about this...," Claude mumbled under his breath. He wished he could stay back inside the room they were in. He didn't mind being left alone since he would be able to take a nap without any disturbances.

  Felix and Diana gently patted the emperor's broad back to reassure him that everything was alright, even though they too had a feeling something might happen to one of them.

  "By the way..." Anastacius stared at Myra who was busy calling someone. Once she put her phone back inside her pocket, he decided to ask her a question. "Didn't you say something about someone waiting for us here, Miss Myra? Well, where are they?"

  "Hmm? Oh, she's probably just taking a walk around the town for a while," Myra answered. "She must have thought you guys would arrive here later than expected. But I had just called her and she said she's on her way."

  What she said caught Diana's attention. "She?"

  "Yeah. She," Myra repeated.

  "It's a girl?" Lucas asked from afar.

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