Before Season 2

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  "The room looks clean and free from dropped food crumbs, the room is air-conditioned nicely, which is great because it's hot outside..."

  Myra continued to check everything off her list on the Ipad. "Well! Looks like everything looks good! Now, the only thing we have to do... is to wait for the guests to arrive," she said to herself with a smile. 'Everyone should be awake right now and are already having their breakfast at the dining area."

  She looked at her wristwatch.

  '... I should just wait for them all to come in.'

  And so, she sat on her original seat. Waiting for the ladies and gentlemen to come in.

  The first few people who came in were Felix and Roger.

  "Ah, good morning, Sir Felix! Sir Roger!" Myra greeted both men enthusiastically. After standing up from her seat, she bowed down deeply to show her respect. "How was today's breakfast?"

  Felix smiled back at the young lady. "Good morning, Miss Myra. Today's breakfast was really good! I actually had a second plate of some waffles topped with vanilla ice cream and fresh fruits, haha!" he chuckled lightly. "Not to mention the delicious fried rice Sir Roger ate..."

  Roger sighed and ran his fingers through his silver hair. "I still can't believe that you stole a few spoonfuls of my own breakfast right in front of me."

  It seemed that the two men were getting along well.

  Laughing weakly, Myra approached the two men. "Well, I'm glad that you both liked today's food. My boss actually ordered the chefs to widen the selection of food at the buffet table for this morning's breakfast! So it's great to hear that the food is to your tastes!" she told them. "By the way, where are the others?"

  "Still having their breakfast, I assume," Roger was the one who answered this time. "All of us came down at different times. But we didn't see the three ladies at all at the dining area, even after both of us have finished our breakfast."

  "Hmm... Is that so?" Myra mumbled while rubbing her chin. It was a bit weird if Diana, Lily and Jennette were the last ones to arrive. She always thought that they'd be the ones who'd be the earliest to get here. "Well, we should just wait for everyone else to arrive, for the time being. Feel free to sit anywhere you like, gentlemen."

  Roger decided to just take his original seat. As for Felix, instead of doing the same thing, he took the empty seat beside the duke just so he could have a normal conversation before the others came in. He promised that he would sit in his original seat after Claude and Anastacius arrived.

  The second pair to come in was the two love rivals, Ijekiel and Lucas.

  "Good morning, boys," she greeted them casually. "I hope you had a good rest last night?"

  Ijekiel smiled politely at the brunette. "Good morning, Miss Myra... Lucas, say good morning to her."

  Lucas glanced at the silver-haired boy before groaning. "Morning...," he mumbled to Myra who was clearly surprised. Even Roger and Felix who were sitting in the front row were looking at the teenagers in confusion.

  Did... Lucas follow Ijekiel's order just now?

  "I see that something happened between you two in private?" Myra smiled weakly.

  "Well, not exactly," Ijekiel answered. "Lucas over here accidentally overslept. Even after I told him to wake up before I got into the shower... And what did I see after getting out of the shower? Him still fast asleep on the bed, wrapped in his blanket like a burrito."

  Lucas sighed and placed his hands on his waist. "So what if I did wake up late? It's not like we have to be here at a certain time, right? Besides, who gave you the right to hit my pretty face with a hard pillow when I was asleep, hm?"

  Myra had to push the two boys away before they could get into another argument. "Anyway, how was breakfast?"

  "Decent at best," Lucas stated bluntly before walking towards his seat that was in the front row.

  Ijekiel quickly apologised to Myra before following before taking his own seat. He stared at the magician beside him blankly. 'Decent? Really? As if you did not just engulf your entire stack of pancakes in a matter of seconds before asking for a second and third plate of them.'

  "Looks like you're getting along well with the magician," Roger commented nonchalantly to his son.

  "I am pretty much acting as his babysitter at this point," Ijekiel stated.

  Lucas glared at the guy. "Oi!"

  The next people who came in a few minutes later were Claude and Anastacius. The emperor was wearing one of his regular loose robes whereas his older brother wore something more modern yet classy. A loose white collared shirt that had the first couple of buttons undone, black pants and regular black shoes.

  This... may be a bit too late to say it, but the other men were also wearing pieces of clothing from our time. What they're wearing, I'll leave that up to you guys.

  "Sorry we're late," Anastacius said out loud with a bright smile. With his arm hanging around his younger brother's shoulder, he pulled the blond even closer. He completely ignored the annoyed expression Claude had on his face. "Claude here is a surprisingly heavy sleeper and I had to drag him out of bed because of it."

  "That's a lie. The one who's a heavy sleeper here is you," Claude interrupted while trying to get out of Anastacius' hold of him. "And it's the other way around. I was the one who had to drag you out of bed. I could barely sleep at all last night because of how loud you snore."

  "Oh, no wonder why you have eyebags today," Anastacius said,

  "Really? That's the only thing you're going to say to me?! How about an apology for once?"

  The others just looked at the two brothers before they all thought of the same thing.

  'Looks like they're acting more like actual brothers today. That's nice to know.'

  "Good morning, Sir Claude!" Myra greeted the emperor first while she bowed deeply. Then, she turned towards Anastacius and offered him a warm smile. "And good morning to you, Sir Anastacius."

  Anastacius looked at Myra before remembering that small incident that happened in the interviewing room yesterday. As if he had completely forgotten about Claude's existence, he let go of the man and just... acted like a puppy who finally saw his owner coming home from work.

  And that owner just so happened to be Myra...

  "Good morning to you as well, Miss Myra," Anastacius greeted her back. As any gentleman would do, he held her hand up gently before kissing her knuckles. "I hope you had a good night of rest last night?"

  Myra just laughed. "Ha, I would love to say yes... But I didn't really sleep that much because I had some paperwork to do that was given by my boss at the very last second. And right before I was about to go to bed too..."

  "I think your boss hates you if they're giving you work to do so late at night," Anastacius said. He gently rubbed the palm of her hand with his thumb. "Should I personally talk to them to reduce your workload?"

  "Oh, that won't be necessary. You don't have to worry much about me."

  "Nonsense. As your... friend, I do have the right to be worried."

  The others were looking at them weirdly. And the two didn't even notice their odd stares.

  From the distance, Lucas just looked at the man and woman in confusion. "Did something happen between the two while we weren't looking?" he asked Ijekiel in a low voice. "Because they're acting awfully close today."

  "Well, it was pretty obvious that Jennette's father is a bit soft towards her for quite some time now," Ijekiel whispered back at him. "But I don't think he's ever acted so much like an actual significant other in front of her, though."

  Claude, who was standing right beside Anastacius and Myra, just sighed. Not even a single word came out of his mouth. Just a disappointed sigh. 'I need more sleep, god...,' he thought before walking towards his own seat. Closing his eyes, he slowly drifted off to sleep. And hopefully for him, after he opened his eyes, Diana would be sitting right beside him.

  "And that is my queue to leave. Thank you for taking your time to talk to me, Sir Roger," Felix said before standing up to sit beside the napping emperor this time.

  Don't worry, he wasn't sitting in Diana's seat. He would like to continue living. He just sat on the other empty seat beside Claude.

  "You know, I thought Jennette would be in here already," Anastacius' conversation with Myra continued. After looking around the screening room, he realised that all three ladies were nowhere to be seen. "... You think they all overslept?"

  "That would be impossible, Sir Anastacius." There was a weak smile plastered on her face. "Mainly because Miss Lily is with Lady Diana and your daughter. I'm sure a professional nanny like Miss Lily would never wake up so late. Perhaps they're all taking their time eating their breakfast. Speaking of breakfast, did you eat well?"

  "Oh, yes. I give my compliments to the chefs for making food that suits my taste," Anastacius said. "However... I think my breakfast would be a whole lot better if I had it with you rather than with my brother."

  "Sir Anastacius, be honest now. You genuinely enjoyed your time spent with your brother."

  "Oh, I did. I just think that it would be nicer to eat together with you every once in a while."

  "Are you asking me out on a potential lunch date?"


  "My, he's so bold to ask her out like that," Lucas commented casually, spectating the whole thing. If he had a bowl of popcorn with him, he would be eating it already. Too bad he was still full from his breakfast.

  "Lucas, why are you spying on them?" Ijekiel asked. "You know you shouldn't be prying into other's relationships, right?"

  "Now, how the hell am I spying on them when they're openly flirting with each other in front of us?"

  Roger just facepalmed himself. Why was he the only normal man in this room? Felix could also be considered normal... if it weren't for the fact that the knight was waving his hand in front of the napping blond's face.

  Before Myra could give him her answer, the doors opened once more with a loud creak.

  The ladies finally appeared.

  Myra smiled at them brightly. "Good morning, Miss Lily, Lady Diana and Miss Jennette! How was- Why are your eyes so puffy, Miss Jennette?!"

  She abruptly stopped her regular morning greet as soon as she noticed Jennette's swollen eyes.

  Then, she looked at the other two ladies. Lily looked fine, albeit a bit nervous. Diana, however...

  "What on Earth did you guys even do in your room last night, Lady Diana?" Myra asked out of concern for the emperor's lover and the former emperor's daughter. The two looked like they hadn't slept comfortably at all.

  Jennette just groaned while rubbing her eyes.

  "Jennette, please stop doing that. It could make your eyes even more swollen," Anastacius advised her while kneeling down so he could be on the same eye level as the girl. "You okay?"

  "I'm fine. Just... tired."

  Diana smiled weakly. "I'm... just going to go to Claude so I could... cuddle with him before we start watching the upcoming chapter," she said before staggering to her original seat. After greeting Felix with a groggy good morning, and after realising that Claude was still asleep, she just sat beside her lover and slept on his shoulder.

  Well, it appeared that both ladies were hopeless in clearing the others' confusion. Lily was their only hope now.

  "Miss Lily? What did you three even do last night?" Myra asked the nanny.

  Lily looked at Jennette for a brief moment. Then, she looked at her friend, Diana. A small sigh escaped from her mouth. "Well, before going to bed, the three of us decided to watch a movie," she began to explain. "The first movie we watched was Lilo and Stitch."

  "... Excuse me. The first movie?" Myra repeated. 'Oh, I think I know where this is going,' she thought.

  "Yes. The first movie." Lily's shoulders dropped. "Miss Jennette got emotional while watching Lilo and Stitch and she actually cried a river by the end of it. Hence, her puffy red eyes today."

  "I think I cried in my sleep while remembering the quote in the movie. The about how 'ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind'," Jennette mumbled, her eyes downcast as she fiddled with her fingers. "I thought it was a really meaningful line to me for some reason."

  Anastacius just winced. "... I think I understand why."

  "And what happened after that?" Myra asked Lily. "Did you watch another movie?"

  "Several movies, actually. However, I don't know which movies Diana and Miss Jennette were watching since I went to bed after Lilo and Stitch ended. Diana did say that they watched around... three or four more movies after the first one in one sitting?"

  "Five, actually!" Jennette corrected her.

  "You know, the last thing I expected you three to be doing in your room is having a movie marathon," Myra mused before feeling a bit sorry for Lily. "So what about this morning? Was it hard to wake them up since they probably slept very late?"

  "Saying that it was hard to wake them up would be an overstatement," was Lily's reply. She rubbed the back of her head. "It did take a while for me to wake Diana up, though."

  "... You deserve a raise for being a wonderful nanny to not only Miss Athanasia, but also to Miss Jennette and even Lady Jennette," Myra said jokingly. She smiled when Lily let out a soft chuckle. "How about you sit beside Lady Diana from now on? I'm sure she'd be happy if her best friend is sitting beside her. Also, Sir Anastacius? Miss Jennette? Please take your seats in the front row."

  "Of course." Anastacius nodded. He put his hand on Jennette's shoulder. "Come on, Jennette," he said to her softly. "I am willing to listen to your thoughts about all the movies you watched after we're done reacting to today's chapters. Does that sound nice to you?"

  Jennette looked up at her father in surprise before smiling brightly. Miraculously, she appeared to be more energetic than ever. "I would love that very much!"

  After everyone else settled in their seats, Myra finally closed the door, making sure that nobody from outside of the screening room would bother them.

  "Well, since everyone is already present, I suppose we can finally continue where we left off yesterday?" Myra said as she went back to her seat that was in between Roger and Anastacius. There was still some unresolved tension between both men so she had to make sure that it won't get any worse. In her hand was the remote that started up the large screen in front of them all.

  "Your Majesty, please wake up," Felix whispered while shaking the man beside him until he woke up. "We're about to react to chapter 47 soon."

  Lily did the same thing to Diana. Thankfully, she didn't really have to do much since the dancer woke up as soon as she shook her shoulder for just a second.

  "Hmm...," Claude groaned groggily before waking up completely.

  "Morning, sleepyhead," Diana teased him before pinching his cheek.

  That got him to be even more awake.

  "Are you sure you're alright, Jennette?" Ijekiel asked after seeing Jennette yawning out loud several times. "You look like you'll be sleeping through the whole thing today."

  "I'm sure I'll be wide awake once we get to react to the next chapter," Jennette answered. "Since we were left with a cliffhanger in the last one, I'm sure we'll be greeted with the element of surprise in the following chapter."

    "... I... see..."

  'We should really start now before anyone else falls asleep accidentally,' Myra thought before turning the projector on with a press of a button on the remote. "Well, let's cut the small chit chat and start reacting to the 47th chapter of Who Made me a Princess, shall we?"

  With that said, the screen turned bright and chapter 47 began to play.

  "... I have to be honest. After the last chapter we reacted to as well as the long QnA session, I actually forgot where we left off," Felix admitted. He just chuckled weakly and scratched the back of his head. "I don't really remember much about the last chapter, but I hope that for this chapter we won't start things off with drama immediately, haha!"

  ... Felix, honey...

  You and the others were going to be in for a long and bumpy ride while reacting to the entirety of season 2.


Expect more Myra x Anastacius moments in the future.

Also, yay. Season 2. Here we come.

Also, here's some random old fanart that I made last year. I may post my recent fanart once we reach chapter 62?

 I may post my recent fanart once we reach chapter 62?

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Myrana, my beloveds <3

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