Chapter 61

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  "Ah!" Jennette cried out and jumped out of her seat. "I'm sorry! Please excuse me!"

  She quickly dashed past the man who just stood there, seemingly shocked at her reaction after realising that she had revealed her jewelled blue eyes in front of him.

  'Aaaahhh!' Jennette cried internally. How was she ever going to face the nice mister after this?!

  The man watched as she ran out of the lounging area, disappearing from his view as soon as she turned around a corner.


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  '... Well, how timely,' Anastacius thought while shrugging his shoulders. If Jennette saw him acting nonchalant as if he had not just seen something that he should not have seen, then surely that would arouse some suspicion from her.

  "I have to admit. I look amazing in red," Anastacius spoke up, holding his chin between his thumb and bent forefinger while smirking. "What do you think, Miss Myra?"

  "Hm?" Myra looked up and saw Anastacius patiently waiting for her to answer his question. Then, she smiled. "Well, I think you are handsome wearing anything actually. But I have to say... red definitely suits you... The same goes for darker colours like purple and black."

  Seemingly satisfied with her answer, Anastacius chuckled to himself. This made the others who mildly disliked him sigh out of annoyance.

  "Of course, you would want her to praise you all the time," Roger mumbled while staring at Anastacius judgementally. "You and your praise kink."

  "What is the matter, Roger? Jealous?" Anastacius asked the duke while batting his beautiful jewelled blue eyes. He really knew how to rile Roger up because the older man was staring coldly at him.

  "Of you? Nonsense."

  "Your dads, despite being the oldest people in this room, definitely don't act like it," Lucas said to Ijekiel and Jennette before snickering. "It's kinda hilarious, actually."

  "Says the person who's supposedly around 200 years old," Ijekiel said.

  "You're dragging me into this now, Kiel?" Lucas replied while furrowing his eyebrows. "In my defence, I am currently in my teenage body so I am obliged to consider myself a teenager."

  Ijekiel dropped his shoulders. "Lucas, I'd prefer it if you don't shorten my name to 'Kiel'," he told him. "... I feel uncomfortable hearing you call me that."

  "Is it because you only want Athy calling you that?" Jennette interjected, knowing that Ijekiel had liked the princess for years.


  "Um..." Ijekiel's cheeks had turned a faint shade of red.

  "Don't get your hopes up. She'll just make up a stupid nickname for you like... little white doggy." Lucas cursed himself for making up a terrible nickname for Ijekiel on the spot. 'Well, he is the son of Mister White. So it makes sense... in a way?'

Watching over Obelia's Precious Jewel // WMMAP ficWhere stories live. Discover now