Chapter 14

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  Felix and Lily looked at Athanasia with wary looks on their faces as the princess continued to collect some flowers in the garden.

  '... Since that day... '

  Flashbacks from when the princess accidentally said she wanted to see her mother out loud appeared on the screen for a short time.

  'Those two are worried about me all the time.' Athanasia smiled awkwardly.

  "For good reasons, princess!" Lily exclaimed. Felix nodded quickly, not adding anything to the nanny's statement.

  Jennette smiled at the two worriers of the blonde princess. 'I'm happy Athy has some amazing people who worry about her.'

  Diana scratched the back of her head. "I... I guess my death is a bit of a taboo subject to talk about huh, Claude?" Although she seemed carefree and cheerful despite her finding out that she was going to die in the near future, that wasn't completely true. In fact, she was scared of dying. She wished she could spend more time with Claude. She wished she could see Athanasia, her own daughter. 

  Before her fateful encounter with the emperor himself a few years ago, she dreamt of travelling around Obelia with her fellow dancer friends until they grew old together.

  Guess some things weren't meant to be.

  "Uh, princess-" 

  Before Felix could say anything else, Athanasia stood up quickly while pulling her hat down so it wouldn't fly off her head.

  "Looking at flowers is no fun," she told them. "I want to go home now." She didn't care if she sounded childish.

  'I've had enough with trying to leave like I don't have a clue.'

  "Then how about you just face them like a big girl?" Lucas was not thinking much about what he was saying at this point. He was waiting for him to appear on screen but since Athanasia only met the wizard when she was seven, it might take a while.

  'This is so uncomfortable,' Athanasia thought.

  The scene then changed  They were now in the princess' room and while Felix and Lily were talking in the background, Athanasia was in her seat reading a book.

  'Don't be like that,' the princess thought. She had a troubled look on her face. 'She's not my real mum.'

  Diana frowned at that. "I sometimes have to remind myself that she was an orphan in her past life..., " she mumbled under her breath. '... Still, she is my daughter, at least in this world. It doesn't matter if she's someone reincarnated as Athanasia. I'd still love her.'

  Athanasia did not notice the two adults leave the room until she turned around. Curious, she stood up and decided to look for them. She hid behind a wall when she found Felix and Lily standing in the middle of the hallway.

  It seemed they had been conversing with each other for quite some time now.

  "... Evidently, there are no memorial stones with recordings of lady Diana in the palace," Felix told Lily.

  Lily frowned. "I see... it's a shame."

  Athanasia widened her eyes. 'Memorial stones!'

  Ijekiel looked at the screen. "If I remember correctly, memorial stones are able to hold up to 30 seconds of a recording of a person's life,' he thought. 'They're incredibly expensive to get.'

  Felix began to sulk. "I really wanted to let the princess see lady Diana," he sighed.

  Athanasia stared at the red-headed knight. 'I've been sensing this for a while, but Felix is oddly kind towards Diana.'

Watching over Obelia's Precious Jewel // WMMAP ficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz