Chapter 47

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  "Who are you?"

  "Ohh... Now I remember where we left off," Felix spoke out loud before letting out a nervous laugh. "Oh, no..."

  Diana looked at the screen blankly. "... I don't know why but I have this sinking feeling that I will start hating on Claude while he's in that amnesiac state of his," she said, her right hand already curling up into a fist.

  "Diana, before you start getting enraged... Please don't unleash your anger at me when you're supposed to be angry at future me," Claude reminded her before slowly backing away from the dancer who was looking at him suspiciously. 'I... haven't even done anything wrong in this chapter yet.'

  "Alright, now I'm confused," Lucas whispered into Jennette's ear. "Who are we supposed to get mad at right now?"

  "L-Lucas, the chapter's only just beginning," Jennette told him. "There's no one for us to hate on at the moment... for now at least?"

  Unsure of what to say in this confusing situation, Athanasia remained silent.

  "I asked, who are you?" Claude repeated himself once more, sounding even more aggressive. He tried to get out of bed but as soon as his feet were on the cold floor, his head began to throb. He cursed under his breath and had to steady himself before he could fall forward.

  "N-No! You can't move like that all of a sudden!" Athanasia exclaimed and approached him. She grabbed him by his arm to stop him from slouching.

  Claude only looked at her hand that was grabbing him in a silent glare.

  "Hmm... I am really not liking the way you're looking at our daughter, Claude," Diana stated.

  "Ah, so you and I are sharing the same sentiment, Lady Diana," Felix responded nonchalantly before the man he was serving could even open his mouth to defend himself.

  "Count me in on that same sentiment you both are sharing," Lily said, her eyes still glued to the screen. Even though she didn't have much of a negative opinion toward Claude, as Athanasia's nanny, she was absolutely upset that the girl's own father was looking at her as if she was a mere insect.


  Standing outside of the emperor's personal chambers were Felix and Lily. As soon as they both heard the princess calling out for the knight's name, he opened the door and saw Claude sitting upright in his bed.

  "Your Majesty!" Felix exclaimed in pure joy. He rushed towards the emperor and immediately knelt down in front of him. "My god you're awake! I'm so glad!"

  "Sir Felix here sounds like a puppy who's glad that his owner woke up from his two-hour nap." Anastacius' throwaway remark caught everyone off-guard. And somehow, that brightened up the atmosphere of the room.

  "Again with the doggy comparison?" Felix asked in a weak voice.

  Claude cast his gaze down the kneeling knight. "What? You're acting as if I've been asleep for ten years."

  "Well, if he replaces 'years' with 'days', then His Majesty would actually be correct with that assumption," Lucas said with a nonchalant smile.

  "How did you get this old overnight?" Claude asked without any intention to wound Felix's feelings.

  "Your Majesty...," Felix whined while the others laughed or chuckled out loud. "The first time you see me after waking up from a coma and you comment about how I look?"

 "The first time you see me after waking up from a coma and you comment about how I look?"

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