Chapter 19

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Thankfully, in the next few days, by breaking several rules and disobeying every professor yet again, Potter saved the school.

At the feast, I saw Granger run to Potter and Weasley and hug them. Well, one of them.

I didn't know they were such good friends. But I was happy for them, nonetheless.

A moment later, Dumbledore began his announcements by congratulating Madam Pomfrey and Professor Sprout for their successful mandrake juice and everyone clapped for the two ladies.

Next, Dumbledore announced that the end-of-year exams had been cancelled and the Great Hall burst into joyful cheers from every single student.

I thought everything would end there, but then the man-giant came into the Hall and had a moment with his precious Potter and the room started clapping for Potter.

I was too bored and hungry to do that.


We could not find a compartment for us to sit in during the train ride back home, because we arrived late at the platform, courtesy of Draco Malfoy. And none of us thought of going to the train and reserving a compartment, either.

However, Crabbe and Goyle threw out the two first years sitting in the next cabin, emptying a cabin for us.

I sat at the window with Theo, Daphne and Blaise next to me. Malfoy sat opposite me with Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle next to him.

"Saint Potter," Malfoy scoffed for what felt like the hundredth time. "Saving the day. Being the hero"

"Sounds like someone's jealous," Blaise laughed in a sing-song voice. Nobody laughed since nobody was going to have the same argument again.

Daphne and Theo were talking about something on their own, Crabbe and Goyle were half asleep, I was looking out the window and Pansy was reading a book.

"Jealous?" Malfoy scoffed again. "I'm embarrassed for him. He and his little goons"

"Frankly," Daphne chimed in. "I am too. Not for Potter but for Dumbledore. Isn't he supposed to be a mighty wizard? Why is a twelve-year-old half-blood saving his precious school?"

Pansy had also joined the conversation now. "Yeah, right," she began with a scoff. "Mighty wizard? Everyone knows how he is in the position he is in right now. He isn't any lesser than a dark wizard. All he does is put on a show of being good but everyone knows the truth"

"Everyone knows but chooses to ignore," I added. "His followers work hard to make sure nobody bad-mouths the great Albus Dumbledore and cover up his horrible actions"

"Besides, do you really think he was going to do anything when he could have his precious Harry Potter do it instead?" Theo commented.

Pansy yawned making all of us yawn one by one too.

"I feel bad for that poor chap, too," Daphne confessed. "I mean, he isn't even from this world and has to work hard to save it. And all that with the company of a dimwit and a know-it-all"

"A mudblood and a blood traitor, too," Pansy added.

Malfoy had been quiet all this time but did not keep it shut when he heard his nemesis gain sympathy from his friends. As usual, he began his 'how Harry Potter is a knucklehead' rant.

Thankfully, the trolley came in and we were saved.

Everyone got up to buy sweets. Somehow, Crabbe and Goyle were suddenly awake and first in line to buy sweets.

Theo, being the gentleman he was, bought a few sweets for Daphne first before getting into a fight with Blaise over the remaining chocolates. This was just awfully silly of the two boys.

They had the money to buy fifteen such trolleys filled with heaps of sweets but instead chose to fight over each other's sweets.

Their fight resulted in Daphne exchanging seats with Malfoy so she wouldn't get hurt or worse- involved in their fight.

Malfoy handed me some chocolate frogs before I had the chance of getting some for myself.

I gave him a confused look.

"I just had some spare change so I just bought them for you," he answered making me smile. I knew he was lying but I chose not to call him out.

I thanked him and began to dig into them.

Who knew Malfoy could be a gentleman too?

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