Chapter 53

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The first game after Yule was Slytherin versus Gryffindor. The team was more than ready for the upcoming game and had been preparing for a long time.

Since there were quite a few changes that year, we needed more practice and I made sure we got it. In addition to that, it also took our minds off of everything for a couple of hours. A break we needed and deserved.

Thankfully, Slytherin versus Gryffindor wasn't our first game of the year. We had played as a team before against Ravenclaw and knew our strengths and weaknesses. We corrected our mistakes and were more than ready to face the Gryffindors.

"Alright, listen up," I announced before going to the field. "We know this game is important. But we also know it will not be as difficult to win as it used to be. Slytherins do not lose simply because we are not capable of such pathetic things"

I thrust my hand forward and everyone followed. "We will win under any circumstances!" all of us cried out as we threw our forwarded hands in the air.

No matter how many times it happened, I just couldn't imagine I was the one saying this and not my former captain. I just couldn't ever get used to people following me and not him. The pre-game inspiration speech was especially difficult.

We mounted our brooms and flew out to the field. We were welcomed with cheers and claps. Merlin, this was the part I loved most.

While everyone took their positions, I went down to the ground. Potter and Madam Hooch awaited my arrival.

Potter and I had spoken a few times ever since Professor Slughorn's Christmas Party. We would exchange some information and devise new plans. Of course, apart from Theo, nobody else knew about this.

"Good luck, Cassie," Potter smiled and forwarded his hand.

I gave him a nod in acknowledgement and shook his hand. I crushed his hand making him pull his hand away and seethe.

"Sorry," I gave him an unapologetic shrug. "Tradition"

I heard him let out a laugh and get on his broom.

"The quaffle is released and the game begins"

I went into my decided positions as Blaise dived for the quaffle. I could see him elbow Ginny Weasley as he flew towards Crabbe. He successfully passed the quaffle to Crabbe who began flying towards Millie.

"Blaise Zabini passes the quaffle to Vincent Crabbe, who also elbowed Ginny Weasley. It looks like we're about to see Millicent Bulstrode play because Crabbe seems to be heading towards her"

"You may remember Bulstrode who played magnificently in the past match. She alone scored thirteen goals for her team in her very first match. What a brilliant player!"

Millie smirked on hearing the commentary as she flew away from Katie Bell. She turned around and flew in the opposite direction- towards the Slytherin side of the ground- as we discussed.

Unaware of what was happening- and as expected- Bell followed Millie thinking she could score. When she was in the decided position, Millie dived towards the ground, catching her off-guard and I released a bludger.

"Ooh, that had to hurt"

I smirked at the Gryffindor who was groaning in pain. Millie quickly flew towards Blaise passing him the quaffle. "Bulstrode passes the quaffle to Zabini as he elbows Dean Thomas in the process"

I could see Ginny Weasley try to elbow Blaise and make him drop the quaffle. Goyle passed me a bludger and I aimed it for the redhead. It hit her directly in the stomach, making her lose her balance.

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