Chapter 62

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It had been some time since Draco 'proposed' and I still could not stop smiling. I kept glancing at my left hand even though there was no ring on it. I shot spells killing people while still blushing.

I was on cloud nine because of that stupid blond that I loved very dearly.

But my happiness was wiped off just as quickly on seeing my father lying on the floor, crushed under debris. I didn't know how to react but then again, there isn't a guide titled 'how to react when you see your father dying or already dead'

I knelt beside him as I held his hands in my trembling ones. "D-dad?" my voice came out soft, almost inaudible with all the noise in the back.

"He found out," my father choked on his own blood. "I was trying to kill Nagini. I f-failed. I'm sorry"

I shook my head and squeezed his hands. "It's alright," I began to sob. "I forgive you. For everything. I- I love you, dad"

He gave me a faint smile and whispered, "help Severus," before I felt his grip on my hands loosening. My eyes shot open in shock when his eyes began to close.

It took all my might to control my tears and let go of my father's hands. Theo stood close behind me and engulfed me in a hug once I got up. And just for a moment, I let my tears fall.


Theo and I ran all around Hogwarts trying to find Severus. I killed whoever came in my way, regardless of who they were, without flinching. I could sense Theo being uncomfortable with that but he did not say anything to me.

On the way, we bumped into Pansy and Millie who were trying to take the young students away from the battle. They were loading everyone on boats and taking them to a safe house nearby to hide until all this was over.

We also saw Luna Lovegood, and Neville Longbottom being led by Blaise. We didn't have time to ask what they were doing so we didn't and trusted Blaise.

An almost thankful sigh escaped my lips when I saw a familiar head of platinum blonde hair and strawberry blond hair. But as we grew closer to Draco and Daphne, we saw they were duelling with someone and were hesitant to kill them. On growing closer, I saw that they were duelling with Theo's father.

"I don't know what's gotten in him," Daphne's eyes were filled with concern and focused on her fiancé. "He just started attacking and- and I can't-"

"Avada Kedavra." The spell missed Daphne by mere inches.

Draco pulled me behind the pillar with him while Theo shielded Daphne behind the opposite wall. Theo got up, kissed Daphne on the head and began moving closer to his father.

It was not our place to deal with that issue but we needed to make sure Theo was safe. While Theo walked up to his father, Daphne ran up to Draco and me.

"I can handle this," she said. "You two need to go. There are people that need help. Go"

We exchanged glances but then ran in the opposite direction. I knew if I turned around, I would go help Daphne and Theo. So, I made sure to focus on what was in front of me.

"We need to help Snape," I said loudly as we ran. "Did you see him or Voldemort? I checked almost the entire school and they're nowhere to be found"

"Maybe they're outside of school grounds," Draco suggested and both of us stopped in our tracks. "Maybe they're in the Shrieking Shack"

"Of course," I gasped. "You're bloody brilliant," I said and kissed Draco on his cheek.

Even though we ran as fast as we could, we were late. Severus lay in a corner of the room with blood spilling out of him. He was talking to Potter and his friends.

"Sev?" my voice came out soft as tears began to roll down my cheek.

Everyone turned around to see me and immediately cleared away. I took a seat beside him and my hand flew to my mouth on seeing his condition.

I frantically began to use healing spells on his lifeless body. "M-maybe we can do something. What if he's still alive?" I heard myself say. I looked around the room while everybody stood looking at me with pity in their eyes.

"Why are you standing there and not helping me?" I cried out. "He can't die! I won't let him!" I sniffled. "No, he- he just can't. Sev you still have to teach me that potion I don't know. You promised you'd show me a simpler way"

My vision became blurry with all the tears and I lost my balance. Just as my body was about to hit the ground, I felt someone come and support me from the back.

"It's okay," I heard Draco's faint voice. "I got you. Let it all out, love"

"He promised me, Draco," I sobbed softly again. "He promised"

I was sure that some of the tears and cries were the ones I'd held back on seeing my father die. I could've saved him. If not my father, I could've saved my godfather.

At least, unlike my father, Severus didn't die in my arms.

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