Chapter 44

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Because of Potter and his gang, now, Umbridge replaced Dumbledore as the Head of Hogwarts. Of course, Dumbledore being Dumbledore, ran away before he was sent to Azkaban, but that did not stop us from celebrating his loss.

It may sound wrong, the fact that we were celebrating Dumbledore being thrown out of the school. But the truth is, Dumbledore was incredibly biased and thought of Gryffindor as the supreme house. If anyone were to blame for this inequality and prejudice, it was Dumbledore.

Now, Umbridge was not a saint, but Dumbledore wasn't either. Just like Umbridge, Dumbledore too put up an act of being good instead of selfish. The only difference between them was that Dumbledore liked the Gryffindors whereas Umbridge preferred the Slytherins.

No matter how happy I was about Slytherins being given importance, I did not like Umbridge. She was incredibly rude and performed horrifying acts on children with a sickening smile on her face. It was as though she wasn't even trying to hide the fact that she was enjoying torturing children.

I was in the library, studying for the OWLs that were only days away. I knew I could get good grades in Potions, DADA, Transfiguration and Charms in my sleep. I had studied Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures and Astronomy enough to pass the exams with acceptable grades. The only subject that I was unable to understand was Divination.

I sighed as I read the same page of the textbook for the fifth time. Regretting my decision to choose Divination instead of Ancient Runes, I put my head down on the table in front of me. I shut my eyes for some peace, inwardly hoping for some miraculous way I would learn everything when I open them.

"Cassie," I heard an overheard voice. "Can we talk?"

"No," I answered, not bothering to even look at Potter.

I heard a chair being pulled back next to me. I opened my eyes to see him sitting on the chair next to me. I clicked my tongue in agitation as I picked up my head from the table. "What?" I groaned.

"Dumbledore is gone and I was hoping you could help me"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm the best replacement you've got for Dumbledore?"

"N-no," the boy rambled. "I just thought, y-you'd know some things that he did"

"So, I'm your replacement for Granger?"

"N-no!" he exclaimed. "You're not a replacement for anyone. I just, need help, Cassie. Come on, we've agreed-"

I got up from my chair and began picking up my books. "I already told you, Potter, that agreement is over. Do not bother me again"

"Please," his voice broke but I continued walking.

After walking out of the library, a voice in my head told me to go back and help the boy. I tried fighting it, but it was too strong. "Damn it," I mumbled as I walked back into the library.

I went back to where Potter was sitting and pretended to be looking at books. "You're not in the right mind, Potter. Maybe, ask professor Trelawney for a prophecy." I emphasised the words and walked away before anyone heard or saw anything.

I'd hoped Potter wouldn't make me regret my decision.


It was the day of the OWL examinations. I was sitting on the chair with my hands folded in front of my chest. I'd finished the exam in mere minutes. After all, Charms was one of my strong suits.

Suddenly, a loud boom was heard in distance, grabbing all of our attention. Umbridge walked up to the door and when she opened it, a firework sizzled past her and popped into the Hall.

Seconds later, the Weasley twins flew into the Hall on their brooms and released more and more fireworks. They disrupted the silence with their cheers and crackers. They released spells that made our exam papers fly away.

One firework began chasing Umbridge and none of us did anything to try and save her. She had it coming.

Everyone cheered and ran out of the Hall to see the Weasley twins make an incredibly dramatic exit. It was amazing. I am very sure I saw professor Flitwick celebrate as well.


The school year was over and we were going to leave for the summer. The news of our fathers being arrested spread faster than the news of Voldemort being back.

My father hadn't been sent on that particular mission and so he was not arrested. However, Lucius was.

My friends and I were taunted every minute of the last few days we spent at Hogwarts. We were cursed, hexed, jinxed, called names and even beat up. However, I had bigger things to worry about.

Malfoy had shut himself off completely. None of the attacks or names fazed him. Usually, he would retaliate in one way or another, but his anger was gone. It had just disappeared into thin air, along with all of his emotions.

Because of this mission, a certain mark awaited us at home. Well, not all of us. Daphne's father was never a Death Eater. Blaise's father had passed away long back and Nora never enlisted as a Death Eater. The rest of us weren't so lucky.

I was sitting in the common room with Malfoy. We were alone since everyone was at the feast.

I knew he would say it out loud but he needed to be comforted. He needed someone to tell him everything was going to be alright. I would be with him at all times. I wanted him to know I was here for him and I would help him when he asked for it.

"How come you're not at the feast?" he spoke softly. Those were his first words after the past few days.

"I could ask you the same thing," I chuckled making him smile weakly. I shifted closer to him and held his hand tightly. "You know I'm here for you, right?"

He nodded his head. "Wouldn't want to get rid of you even if I could"

"That you can't. We're stuck together now"

"I'm glad"

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