Chapter 61

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It was the day of the battle. To say we were terrified would be an understatement. Not only did we need to win but we needed the Dark Lord to lose.

Leaving this big of a task up to Potter was a risk but it was the only way. Only Harry Potter could kill Voldemort. Would Harry Potter kill Voldemort was the real question.

Draco and I were supposed to apparate into Hogwarts. After saying goodbye to my aunt, Narcissa and Lucius, Draco and I decided to leave.

"Cassiopeia," my father's voice made me turn around. "Are you all set to leave?" he asked and I nodded. He took a deep breath and put his hands on my shoulders. "Cassie, darling, I apologise for the way I have been behaving-"

"It's fine. We should get going-"

"No, no it is not fine," he pulled me back. "I was an awful, terrible father. I am so, so sorry Cassie. I- I don't know- The Dark Lord- he has a- I am afraid of him. But I promise I will make it up to you"

My eyes began to tear up when I saw my father cry. He pulled me in a hug and I couldn't help but hug him back.

We were pulled away when we heard Voldemort call my father. Before he left, my father pulled me closer once again. "Destroy the diadem. I will take care of the snake"

The next thing I knew was apparating into Hogwarts and being thrown into a swarm of disgruntled students running around. I entangled my fingers with Draco's as we ran towards the Room of Requirement.

We rushed to where we knew the diadem was. And just as expected, on opening a tiny box, we found the silver trinket.

"Well, well," a voice made us whip our heads around. "Look at what the cat dragged in," Weaslette seethed as she pointed her wand at me. "I'd like that, please," she pointed to the diadem in Draco's hand.

"We can do this the easy way where you go get your boyfriend and save me some trouble," I tried being as polite as possible. "Or the hard way where I kill you and then go get your boyfriend myself"

"I said please and you didn't listen," she quirked an eyebrow before launching a spell toward Draco and me.

I rolled my eyes. "Wrong choice," I snarled, "Crucio!"


"Crucio!" I interrupted making Weasley hide behind a table. "Draco, go find Potter. Run!"

Just as Draco tried to escape, Weasley shot the killing spell at him. Thankfully, he dodged it but it hit the diadem. The Horcrux flew and fell on top of a pile of furniture.

"Have you bloody lost it?" I yelled. "We're trying to help you and you try to kill my fiancé!"

She let out a laugh. "Help us? Don't be-"

"Ginny!" Harry Potter's voice echoed in the room. He, Granger, and the other Weasley ran towards Weaslette only to see her pointing her wand at me and Draco. "What's going on?"

"I was about to get you the diadem when this lunatic tried to kill Draco," I explained and everyone gave Weaslette a look. "Did you forget to mention that we want the same things?"

"Where's the diadem now?" Granger came forward and I pointed to the top of the pile of furniture.

Potter immediately began to climb up the pile and got to the top. He climbed down with the diadem in his hand.

"How do destroy it?" I asked, folding my arms in front of my chest.

Weasley scoffed. "Easy," she smirked. "Incendio," she flicked her wand before anyone could stop her.

The spark bounced off the diadem and hit the piece of wood next to us. Soon, the entire pile of furniture was on fire.

"What the actual fuck Ginevra?" I sighed as all of us ran away from the rapidly increasing fire. "Why didn't any of you fill her in?"

"We didn't have the time!" Ronal Weasley replied in an equally agitated tone.

Thankfully, Granger had the brains to summon our brooms and we flew out of that horrid room in the nick of time.

Everyone breathed rapidly as we were scattered on the cold floor, broken pieces of our brooms lying next to us.

"Cassie!" Daphne's voice was music to my ears. She got me up while Theo did the same for Draco. "We have to go!" she began pulling me away.

I turned to face Potter. "I'm going to leave that to you," I gestured toward the diadem and ran away with Daphne with Draco and Theo following our lead.

The four of us ran in the hallways as fast as we could, shooting killing spells at the people we decided to kill. Those people included mostly death eaters but also some Ministry officials and other high-ranking people.

"Wait!" I stopped in my tracks. "Why are we running? Where are we going?"

"Theo will tell you on the way," Daphne said between breaths. "Draco and I can handle the death eaters"

All four of us nodded and shared a look. We didn't know if this was goodbye or not. We didn't want it to be but just in case, we shared a meaningful but short hug.

Just as Theo and I began to run, I was pulled behind by Draco. "Cassie," his eyes softened. "I know this isn't the time but will you marry me?"

"We're engaged, Draco"

"I know," he chuckled. "But I just wanted to ask you. Properly"

I let out a laugh and kissed the blond as hard as I could. "Of course, I will"

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