Chapter 28

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The moment we stepped out of the Hogwarts Express, we were being prepared for the upcoming summer. Since my friends and I were turning fourteen that year, we would be entering society.

Even though our education wasn't over, because we were of age, we would have to go to fancy parties, behave appropriately and make polite chit-chat with people so we could get offers.

That summer and every summer here on forth were packed with classy events filled with obnoxiously rich people. The only good thing about it was, that I could spend it with my friends.

Since every now and then we had some or the other event to go to, I lost track of where we were going and just did what my aunt told me to. We went to quidditch matches, galas, parties and tea parties amongst other events.

Never had I ever seen my aunt so stressed, my father so hyperactive and my house so chaotic. Elves were running here and there with food, invites, my clothes and gifts.

There would be countless letters asking for my hand after every event I attended. Many of them reeked of desperation and none of them were worthy of me and therefore were rejected.

While both, my aunt and father, hated the concept of getting married to a child, they knew it was essential. If I did not agree to get married to someone right now, I would never get married to someone suitable.

These past few days made me wonder why my aunt never got married.

"What is it today?" I yawned as I walked into the dining room to join my aunt and father for breakfast.

"Good morning to you too," my aunt smiled. "And today is the Carrows' spring ball. I remind you once again, this is the last event of the summer and we haven't received a single good offer. Everyone is going to be here and you have to be at your best"

"I've been doing that this entire summer," I furrowed my eyebrows. My aunt gave me a look telling me to shut up and I did.


Many quarrels and objections- over the dress my aunt made me wear- later, we finally settled on a sparkly bodycon dress. She loosely tied my hair in a low bun and gave me a pair of silver heels.

We flooed into the Carrows' mansion which was filled with the same people I had been seeing the entire summer.

After making the necessary polite chit-chat and saying the essential hellos, I went to the corner where I saw my friends gossiping about the guests. Marcus Flint, Adrian Pucey and Graham Montague were also with my friends.

This event was held every year and was the most popular event. Everybody attended this party, right from the oldest and richest people to the youngest and slightly less rich people.

My aunt had introduced me to some eligible quidditch players as well. My father acquainted me with some people who were in high positions at the Ministry of Magic. As I said, everyone who was anyone in the pureblood society came to this event.

"I am so sick of smiling for these thirsty women and their stupid mothers," Malfoy growled in a hushed tone. "How many times do I have to pretend to be impressed by dumb skills like sewing?"

Blaise laughed and hummed in agreement. "If I were them, I would give up already. If sewing was all it took for all this," he ran his hands over his body, "then many would've snatched me already." Everyone laughed at Blaise's gestures.

"They're only doing what they've been told to do. Do you genuinely believe they want to impress you? And even if they did, they would flaunt about skills like sewing?" I rolled my eyes. "Not that sewing isn't a skill. I mean, I still haven't learnt it even though I've been trying all summer," I corrected.

Pansy hummed in agreement. "And it's not like the boys are saying anything interesting. Every boy I've talked to says the same thing in the same order." Pansy put up an expression Severus would always have plastered on his face and began in the most boring tone.

"I wish to work at the Ministry. I wish to have two children. You are so different from all the other girls I've met so far"

I laughed at her imitation of the boys. She wasn't wrong. That is what every man I had met had done and said.

"I wish these boys would stop even trying to impress me"

"I wish these girls would stop trying to impress me," Malfoy mocked Pansy making all of us laugh.

Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoy could disagree about absolutely anything and then argue about it for several hours. The same went for Theo and Blaise. And Blaise and Pansy. And Crabbe and Goyle.


I was lying in bed, rid of this burden of being perfect and looking perfect. I could finally get a break for some time at Hogwarts before doing the same thing next summer. And the summer after that. And that.

I would just banish these pureblood customs if I could so nobody after us would have to suffer.

I heard a knock at the door but I didn't bother getting up or making myself presentable. I knew it was my aunt.

I hummed softly and she came into the room. She sat at the edge of the bed next to me and I immediately jumped from my position and put my head on her lap. She lightly brushed my hair while I closed my eyes and relaxed.

"Can I ask you something?" I whispered softly. I heard her hum in response. "Why didn't you ever get married?"

I heard her chuckle lightly and I internally thanked Merlin because she wasn't upset. I hated it when my questions or actions made my aunt upset.

"I was supposed to," she replied. "I ran away because I loved somebody else"

My eyes flew open in shock. I always knew my aunt was the rebellious kind who did what she thought was right. But I'd be lying if I said I expected her to overrule such orders. And for love too.

"Your grandmother was very irritated. Somehow your grandfather convinced her to forgive me and take me in again," she continued.

"Who were you supposed to marry?" I asked curiously.

"Charles Bulstrode," she answered and my eyes practically gouged out of my sockets.

"Then who'd you love?"

My aunt seemed hesitant to answer but did anyway. And when I heard the answer, I practically had a heart attack.

"Sirius Black"

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