Chapter 43

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"Are you sure?" Umbridge's eyebrows furrowed as she sat in her chair.

I nodded my head in response. "Well, I am about the Room of Requirement but if we want to catch them in the act, we need to find out what time they meet"

Umbridge nodded her head in agreement as the short lady got up from her chair. "Yes, yes, you're right Miss Ambers. Who do you suppose is included in this?"

I wanted to say Weasley's name, but Malfoy beat me to it.

"Cho Chang," he answered. "I heard her talking about it one day in the library. I thought she was being her usual idiotic self and bragging about stupid things"

"Stupid things?" Umbridge asked. "What did you hear the girl talk about exactly?"

Malfoy turned red. He looked down, not meeting Umbridge's eyes. "That she kissed Potter after their meeting, before the Yule holidays"

I stifled a laugh when I saw the look on Umbridge's face.

"Very well, Mister Malfoy. Get me Miss Chang"


We stood outside the Room of Requirement with Umbridge, Filch and Chang. Daphne always wanted to be the one to hurt Chang and none of us wanted to rob her of her desires.

Chang was held tightly by her wrists pinned behind her back and Daphne's wand pierced through her neck. "Remember when you asked Theo to the Yule Ball in the fourth year? Take this as a warning to never flirt with my man, you skank," I heard Daphne seethe in Chang's ear.

The mystery of why Daphne hated Cho Chang had been solved.

"Well, now what?" Blaise yawned. "We just wait for them to come out after they're done with practice?"

I turned to Umbridge. "Is damage to school property allowed?"

"Of course, child. We need to-"

I didn't wait for the woman to complete her words. "Bombarda Maxima," I said pointing at the wall.

After the spell had released my wand, the wall shook a bit. I released the spell again and again until the bricks came falling down, revealing a scared group of students hiding behind Potter.

While all of us smirked at the students, I made eye contact with Granger and Weaslette. I opened my mouth and wiggled my fingers in the air waving at the girls.

"Get them"

Umbridge punished Potter and his friends in a quite ghastly manner. I felt bad at first but then I was reminded by Blaise that they would've done the same thing to us. Maybe even quite sooner.

I was walking down the hallway, one evening, and was suddenly pulled into an empty classroom. I pulled out my wand after I'd easily overpowered the boy and pinned him to the wall.

"You," I gritted through my teeth. "Bespectacled lunatic. Are you incapable of leaving me alone?" I let go of Potter and began to walk towards the door to leave.

"Why did you tell on us?" the boy shouted. I turned around, slightly agitated now. "You always knew about the army but you didn't tell on us before. Why now?"

I rolled my eyes. "I never knew the place you were doing... whatever you were doing. Besides, I don't owe you anything"

"I-I thought we were friends"

I let out a loud laugh. "We are not in any way friends. I occasionally provide you with some information and security and vice versa. We aren't even associates"

I was about to leave when Potter's words held me back. "Why don't we become associates, then?"

I turned around giving him a 'go on' look. I needed help if we were to survive during the war and come out on top. Potter and his friends were as lost as anyone can be.

"We know there's a war coming soon," Potter pointed out. "And we're going to need as many allies as possible. Both of us. Regardless of our sides"

"One condition"


"We involve nobody except Theo"


Theo was not very happy about my agreement with Potter. And to say he opposed the idea would be an understatement.

"No Cassie," he said for the thirtieth time that night. "You cannot trust Potter"

"Yes, I know that," I rolled my eyes. "But we need his help if we-"

"Want to survive, yes I know," he scoffed. "N-not Potter, okay. Just- anyone but Potter," he rambled nervously.

I quirked an eyebrow. "Theo," I warned. "What do you know?"

Without much effort, Theo told me everything about how Voldemort and Potter were connected. I tried my best to ignore how disgusting and weird that sounds and to not ask Theo how he knew all this.

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