Chapter 8

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"Did you see Finnigan's face all blown up?" Malfoy laughed. Crabbe, Goyle mimicked the poor Gryffindor's face making my friends break into laughter while I was observing the pumpkins in the air.

All of us were in the Great Hall for dinner. Daphne was sitting opposite me, next to Theo and Pansy. Blaise and Malfoy sat on either side of me. And Crabbe and Goyle sat next to Malfoy.

My friends suddenly fell into an eerie silence, making me turn my attention to them.

Daphne was clutching Theo's hand and by the looks of it, she was crushing it. She never did like thunder or anything that even was even remotely related to Halloween.

Blaise slipped out of his seat, while Daphne was too busy trying to eat and not look bothered. "Aargh!" Blaise yelled as he emerged behind my frightened friend making her jump.

All of us burst into hysterics as Daphne tried to regain her proper posture. I could not help it and a smile fell on my lips as well. Theo was trying so hard not to laugh and Daphne was not happy about it.

"It's not funny Blaise Zabini," Daphne scolded in a motherly tone. "And I am very upset all of you think it is"

All of us controlled our laughter and apologised to the girl. That is until, moments later, Blaise resumed laughing and we could not resist laughing as well. I did see Daphne's lips turned upwards as well.

"So, what do think is going to happen to Potter in the quidditch match? It is against Slytherin after all," Theo said trying to change the topic.

Malfoy scoffed in reply. "Potter is going-"

But he was interrupted by the loud sound of the doors of the Great Hall opening. All of us turned our attention towards it and saw Professor Quirrell run inside. My eyebrows furrowed instantly since I did not get a good feeling whenever something involved that man.

"Troll!" the professor shrieked grabbing everyone's attention. "In the dungeon! Troll in the dungeon!" he continued as he ran through the Great Hall towards the teachers' table.

"Thought you ought to know," was all the so-called professor could say before fainting right in the middle of the Great Hall.

The Hall erupted into panic-stricken cries of all the students. This made me alert and onto my feet.

As I got up, I was pulled behind Blaise as he and Malfoy shielded me. Theo also pulled Daphne close to himself and held her close.

All of us gathered in the corner, making sure no student came close to us.

"Let's get to safety," Theo said as he tightened his grip on Daphne who looked like she was about to cry.

"Right," Malfoy agreed, not willing to take himself away from my side. "But where should we go?"

Blaise suggested the Slytherin common room, but Theo was quick to point out that it was in the dungeons.

I felt a figure walk toward us and instinctively pulled out my wand to face the figure.

I put my wand away and let out a sigh of relief as it turned out to be my godfather himself. He looked worried, but it seemed like it was just for me and not the fact that there was a troll inside of the school.

"What are you doing here?" Severus began. "How irresponsible are you children to stay in a corner where nobody can see you? I was trying to find you-"

I cut him short. "This may not be the best time to get angry and give a speech Severus"

"Right. Go to my office and do not, I repeat, do not come out until I come back"

Since I did not have time to argue or question him, I agreed and all of us started walking toward his office.

Daphne, Pansy and I were surrounded by the boys who had formed a circle with us inside it. Crabbe and Goyle were pushing any student that came in our way, making us reach Severus' office quickly. We opened the door and hurried inside and locked the door shut.

As we reached safety, all of us melted right into the floor. It had been a long day and we were tried.


An hour or so later, I heard the door open and my eyes flew open. I got up and pointed my wand towards the door. But thankfully, it was only Severus.

He saw all of us and I was sure, I saw a look of relief on his face. He walked toward me and patted my head. I gave him a questioning look.

"I'm showing affection. I am glad you are safe," he answered. I wanted to laugh since I had never expected those words to come out of my godfather's mouth. I was glad, nevertheless.

However, I did want to tease him. "I never knew you could show affection, Sev. This is a development" I smirked and he shook his head.

"Alright now, take these sleeping bodies out of my office and into their rooms. I do not want any excuses for you not attending classes tomorrow"

"Tomorrow's the quidditch match Sev. We would never miss it"

I turned my attention toward my friends. Daphne had buried her head in the nape of Theo's neck. Theo's hand rested on Daphne's shoulder.

Blaise was sleeping with his back touching the wall.

Crabbe and Goyle were snoring in an unusual position.

While Pansy was resting her head on Draco's shoulder, both were fast asleep.

I woke everyone up and all of us began walking toward our dormitory.

Before going, I peeked my head into Severus' office. "I want to know everything that happened Sev. I saw you limping." I walked away before he had the time to say no.

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