Chapter 60

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ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳ ⁶⁰⁻ "ᵀʰᵉʳᵉ ⁱˢ ᵃ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ ᶜʰᵃⁿᶜᵉ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ ʷⁱˡˡ ᵇᵉ ᵃ ᵗᵒᵐᵒʳʳᵒʷ ᵃⁿᵈ ʷᵉ ʷⁱˡˡ ᵇᵉ ᵗᵒᵍᵉᵗʰᵉʳ"

A horrified gasp escaped my lips when I saw Draco come out of the meeting with the Dark Lord.

He was not happy when he heard about how Potter escaped from the Malfoy Manor and had severely punished everyone included which was my father, my fiancé, Lucius, Narcissa and Bellatrix Lestrange.

Many new injuries had been added to his already injured, feeble body. I couldn't even look at him properly without my eyes pooling with tears. The alcohol and smoking weren't helping in any healing either.

I sat him at my dresser and summoned all of my healing potions. I knelt before him and began to slowly apply some medicine.

Soft hisses escaped his lips and tears began pooling in my eyes. As I continued to clean his wounds, one of Draco's hands reached for mine. He placed my hand on his cheek and I felt a tear roll down.

I immediately wiped it and kissed him as hard as humanly possible. He pushed my hair behind my ear and traced circles near my jawline while my hands tugged at the tiny hair at the nape of his neck.

"I'm going to kill him," I whispered. "I'm going to kill Voldemort"

"No, you are not," Draco's voice came out stern. "You are going to stick to our plan and not do something that will get you killed"

I got up and was about to leave to get the potions. "Because if you don't," he added as he pulled me back, "I lose you. I can't- I cannot lose you, Cassie. Please don't leave me"

The blond began to sob as his head rested on my stomach and his hands wrapped around my waist. "I won't," I whispered back as I began to trace circles on his back with one hand and stroke his hair with the other. "I promise I won't leave you, Draco," my voice hitched as I let the tears in my eyes fall.


It was later that night at my house when all of us were sitting on the roof. The sky looked particularly beautiful that night.

Nights weren't usually like that those days. Unlike those cold, nights, this one had stars filling the entire sky with a gentle, welcome breeze flying through occasionally.

All of us were scattered on the ground; some of us were smoking, some drinking and some doing both.

"What do we do if we come out of the battle alive?" Daphne asked taking a swig from her bottle of firewhiskey.

"We, uh, we haven't really thought about that," I replied honestly. "I mean, I just figured if we did survive, we'd have plenty of time to worry about that"

"What if we rule the wizarding world?" Blaise quirked an eyebrow. "What if instead of working for the Ministry, we were the Ministry?"

Pansy chuckled at this. "Oh yeah?" she turned to him. "I reckon you'd make yourself the Minister then"

"Obviously," Blaise smirked. "I got the face for it"

"You lack the brains though," Theo chimed in making everyone nod in agreement.

"Why do I need them when I can just hire you to be my brains?"

Draco now included himself in this conversation. "Bold of you to assume any of us would willingly work for you"

"I don't recall using the word willingly," Blaise said as he blew out this cigarette smoke

"Regardless of what happens tomorrow during or after the battle," Theo began grabbing our attention. "I just hope you know that you lot are what made my life bearable"

Everyone aww-ed at this as Theo continued. "You kept on pestering me and troubling me in every way humanly possible, but I loved every second of it. And all I can do is hope that you will do this for the next fifty years of our lives"

We smiled at Theo and then Millie cleared her throat. "I had been wanting to say this for a long time now and since there may not be a tomorrow-" she shook her head, "no, we're not going to say that. There is a good chance there will be a tomorrow and we will be together"

"I just wanted to thank everyone for accepting me with open arms," she sniffled. "Even though you met me through Pans, you saw me as me and not just Pansy's girlfriend. Nobody judged me when I said I liked girls and boys both. I want to thank you all for supporting both, me and Pans"

"And while I am talking," she added. "Might as well remind you that none of you are bad people. I know everyone thinks otherwise, but you truly are a supportive, clever, welcoming and respectable lot that I love very, very much"

"We are going to be fine," I took a deep breath and held Draco's hand. "We will come out alive and we'll be sitting here this time tomorrow, laughing and chatting and-and drinking"

"Sounds like a plan," we heard a voice from behind us. "Mind if we join?" my aunt smirked as she with all of our parents came out to the roof.

We immediately hid our booze and smokes when we saw the adults but calmed down a bit when we saw they had brought booze and smokes of their own.

"I wish Sirius were here, too," I whispered to my aunt.

"Yeah, me too," she whispered back, smiling. "But we just spoke so it's fine"

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