Chapter 7

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"So, how was it, Pansy?" I ask my good friend as we girls were walking back from flying lessons

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"So, how was it, Pansy?" I ask my good friend as we girls were walking back from flying lessons. I had Pansy to my right and Daphne to my left. "Don't leave out any details. I am sure it was perplexing, was it not?"

Pansy and Daphne giggle at my excitement. "I don't know if you noticed Cass, but, we didn't really get to fly. And no, holding those twigs tied together and given the name brooms, was not perplexing," Pansy replied as she turned up her nose.

"How is it that every time, regardless of what class we have, Longbottom makes a fool of himself. Has he no dignity?" Daphne snickered.

"Class? He seems to make a fool of himself even sitting in the Great Hall," I added making Daphne shake her head. "Merlin knows how he manages to do that"

"He is a Gryffindor Cassie," Pansy said louder so Potter and Weasley- who were walking in front of us- would hear. "It is what they do. Make complete fools of themselves and then call it being heroic"

I personally thought that was unnecessary and so did not feel the need to laugh at her statement. Especially, knowing she was saying it just to embarrass Potter and Weasley- who she hated for no particular reason.

However, hearing this, Weasley did stop in his tracks and turned to face us. Potter also followed his actions but seemed to have regretted he did that.

"Did you know Harry is the youngest seeker in a century?" he bragged as if he had made the team when he couldn't even call his broom.

"Potter made the team? Instead of getting punished, he got rewarded?" Daphne screeched, out of her usual calm and collected demeanour.

I could not believe this. I knew there wouldn't be any actions taken against him, but I did not think strict rules would be broken for this blithering idiot. Which I then realised was a stupid thing to think.

"He got what he deserves because he is that good. Unlike you Parkinson. Ambers and Greengrass were not even on the field," the mindless redhead bragged even more and made one of the biggest mistakes of his pathetic little life.

I scoffed at my foolishness. How could I think there wasn't any house prejudice? Of course, McGonagall says she is above all that but deep down, all the professors except for Severus hated us Slytherins.

Daphne knew quidditch was my soft spot and that Weasley rubbed my one weakness in my face, unknowingly that is. And so, thankfully, before I smashed the little weasel's head into the wall, she instantly came to my rescue.

She pulled me out of that little twat's face and hurried towards the Slytherin common room. Although, I did hear Pansy say something to Weasley.

"At least my broom did not hit my face as yours did, you filthy little rat." She then proceeded to drop his books from his hands and catch up to Daphne and me.


"Unbelievable. UN-BE-LIE-VA-BLE." I threw my bag on the couch of the Slytherin common room.

Looking at my infuriated face, everybody in the Slytherin common room got out of my way as I walked toward my friends who were sitting on the couch.

I huffed as I sat on the couch, right next to Blaise. The boys turned to Pansy and Daphne for answers but I answered their questions instead.

"Did you know Potter got onto the Gryffindor quidditch team as a seeker? A bloody seeker! And for disregarding Madam Hooch's warning"

Blaise shook his head. "Yeah. Malfoy here just calmed down from his temper tantrum"

He was quick to apologise once he saw a murderous look in my eye. I was pissed off and I needed to take that anger out on someone.

"What does Malfoy need to be upset about? He is the reason this happened," I scoffed giving the blond a death glare.

"Me? What'd I do?"

"Had you not thrown Longbottom's whatever, Potter would never have flown in the first place. You really ought to learn to keep your little ego inside of yourself you bleached fool"

Everyone gasped at my word choices and students who were listening to our conversation dared to snort and laugh at what I had called Malfoy.

"Whoever does not take this conversation out of their heads and clear this room out in the next five seconds, will be dealt with by me," I warned in a commanding tone. And as expected, the room did clear out.

"How was I supposed to know this would happen?" Malfoy spoke after there wasn't anyone in the common room except our friends.

I scoffed at his stupidity. "Well, what did you think would happen Malfoy? Did you think Dumbledore would suspend his little deity? Are you really that dense?"

Malfoy stayed silent and I knew the answer to my question. I took a deep breath and started massaging my temples. "We cannot afford to let our ego get in the way, Malfoy. I understand you hate Potter, but every single person, professors included, hates us"

Everyone nodded in agreement and I continued. "We have to stick together because no one else will. We have to have each other's backs because no one else will." Everyone nodded in agreement yet again.

"And," a devious smirk fell onto my face, letting everyone know I was planning something. All of them exchanged glances and grew closer to hear what I had planned. "We need to be careful while letting Weasley know, why we are feared so"


Happy Pride Everyone!!!!🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

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